Mommy Mastering Successful Shopping

Alright Mommy!  Now I know you have grocery shopping down to an art form.  BUT now you are going to learn how to shop like a seasoned pro.  Or what I like to call the Stylist Shopping System a tip I learned from In Style!!!  Below are three, yes just three VERY important steps to shopping like a professional.  But within these three steps there are multiple things you must execute!

A.    Take stock of what you already have and what you need.
·       Now this sounds easy enough, but remember it’s what you NEED.  What you want will come after but you need to make sure you have key items in your closet to establish a full wardrobe.  This should be things that your always like “Darn, I really need a ____ to complete this outfit”.  Is it black slacks?  A denim jacket? A black skirt?

B.    Budget
·       The S3 method isn’t about going for broke!!!  Unnecessary debt is not trendy!

C.    The best time to shop is when you are feeling amazing!
·       Please do not step into a store not feeling your best, if you do I guarantee “nothing will fit” or “I hate my body.”  Go in on a day where you are in your right mind to shop.

D.    Dress appropriately.
·       Remember you’ll be taking off, putting on, zipping up, buttoning down, lacing across.  You want to be comfortable.  Stick to lightweight items!

E.     Give yourself time!
·       You’re not going to go grocery shopping if you only have an hour before you have to pick up the kids.  This will allow you to savor the experience and you won’t have to worry about compulsively buying something and having buyers’ remorse after the fact.


A.    Shop alone
·       This will allow you to solely concentrate on you and your needs.  Now I love to have shopping days with my friends, just make sure you don’t let them influence your decisions for your personal fashion choices.

B.    What works for you?
·       Only you know what colors and silhouettes look good on you, if it’s not broke don’t fix it!

C.    Three way mirror.
·       If you have the ability, HOG THAT THREE WAY MIRROR!  It’s the only way to see every single angle.  Twisting and turning your body in a single mirror is no way to determine a good fit for you.

D.    Get for what you got, not the want!
·       Meaning, buy for the body you have now.  I get it if you are planning on losing weight, and if you are worried you’ll have to spend a little more money later on new clothes for your new body then set aside some money over time for when that happens.  Buy clothes too tight and saying, “I’ll lose weight” will only make you look heavier if you decide to reluctantly wear it because you never lost the weight.

E.     Keep it real.
·       Meaning, buy for your lifestyle.  Buying another cocktail dress may not be necessary if you are a stay at home mother with a 6 month old and a 2 year old.  Running in sequins can be tough!  Likewise those heels that you’ve been eyeing may be real cute, but unless you’re an expert and running after your toddler in an extra 6 inches don’t get them.

F.     Don’t settle!
·       If you are out and about, and it’s your 4th hour of shopping and you still haven’t made a purchase, DO NOT buy a top that fits you so-so just because you want to make sure you leave with something.  You’ll just end up having to make time to return it later.

G.    Knowledge is power.
·       Don’t hesitate to ask the most fashionable associate in the store for advice.  Let her know what you’re looking for, she knows the sales floor better then you.  Ask her what this seasons latest trends are, just remember to not let her convince you in to something that isn’t you!

Step 3:  BUILD
A.    Buy in multiples.
·       Now within reason, if you find a pair of denim that has an amazing fit, or a blouse that just looks right in every single angle don’t be afraid to make a purchase in multiple colors and prints.  Just remember to budget and not go for broke.  I own a pair of denim in every color from my favorite store.  Why? Because it is a piece that I wear over and over and over again!

B.    Beware the sale rack!
·       Now, I’m all for purchasing things at a good price, and the sale rack has a certain power over us.  But remember, a good deal is only good if you will wear it!

C.    Keep it Classic.
·       The first couple of purchases you make should always be classic items that you will use to BUILD your wardrobe.  EVERYTHING you buy should always build your wardrobe as a trendy mommy in an advantageous way!  Whether is the classic season-less nude trench, or a pair of comfortable denim to chase the munchkins around in.

And there you have it.  My personal Stylist Shopping System for you to use.  This will allow you to shop effectively and efficiently without dipping into your diaper budget!  And you will look FABULOUS doing it!

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  1. oooh I need this today!

    Thanks for the follow!

  2. I am a new follower from the FNF weekend blog hop. This is a great post I so need to remember all of these things. I hate shopping for clothes for myself. I would love it if you would hop by my blog when you get the chance.

  3. This is just soooooo cool and true!

    See you around, your new friend from VoiceBoks


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  5. OMG, I love this post! I totally have to shop alone or I don't get anything done, or, even worse, I buy things I don't really need!!

    Newest follower! Come visit me back at:

  6. I have to shop alone. I can't focus if I am with anyone else! I do forget what I already have and end up with multiple similar items! Following you from VoiceBoks!~Lisa
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  7. I'm definitely a follower, thanks for hopping over to follow my blog.

  8. Thanks for some great tips. My mother taught me the power of some good classics that rarely go out of style, like a good trench coat or the great pair of black pants. I'm really liking the VoiceBoks catch up because I'm getting to visit some blogs I really love and didn't get to check out this crazy week!

  9. I'm the worst shopper when I'm with someone else. I never look for myself and always look for them.

  10. Personally, I hate to shop & avoid it as much as posssible (except for groceries). of course my two daughters love to shop & since my oldest is 21 now, I often let them go together.

  11. I need to keep this in mind when I get to shop but like others have said, I need to shop on my own to enjoy it. Glad to have met you on Voiceboks!

  12. Excellent advise! I hate shopping probably because I'm always tired when I go. But I love clothes. I sometimes go to the Goodwill. That way if I make a mistake, it only costs me a few bucks. And I've found some great deals there on practically new stuff.
    I'm visiting from VoiceBoks. Blessings!

  13. What a WONDERFUL post! I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I have totally become the "frumpy franny". I am always in my shorts and t-shirt that I sleep in. I rarely do more than put my hair in a ponytail and I can't remember the last time I applied makeup. I'd wear something else if I had something else. I HATE TO SHOP. Especially for myself, but maybe I just need to go on a day when I'm actually feeling good about myself.

    Anyway, thank you for such good advice! It's well needed for me =)


    P.S. Visiting from voiceBoks!

  14. Great tips! I'm bad with buying for the sake of buying because I feel I should go home with at least something. I'm not a fan of clothes shopping. Now book shopping, I could do for hours on end.

    Visiting from VB!

  15. Great tips! I'll have to remember these the next time I go shopping!!

    Stopping by from voiceBoks!

  16. great tips, following you back!


  17. Awesome tips; thanks for sharing all these tips. Visiting from voiceBoks. Glad to reconnect with you again.

  18. So true! Love this post.

    Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.
    Have a nice day!

  19. I love this post! I am a terrible shopper! I hate doing it, and I usually get some kind of panic after about 20 minutes and just grab something just to get out of the store. I never plan, never strategize....

    So, this is really helpful!

    Have a great Monday!


  20. Great tips! Your blog is so fun! Thanks so much for this amazing post and all the work you obviously put into your blog!
    Visiting from VB

  21. Awesome post! I completely agree with dressing appropriately for shopping. I mean after all, how long can you shop for when you're wearing painful stilettos! Stick to flats...


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