YOU get to answer THAT one...

The other night the Skunk Ape came into my room at around midnight to see if there was anyone still awake. He does this pretty often since he takes after Agent Daddy, and rarely sleeps more than 7 hours a night. Because this is a common occurrence I have taken to DVR'ing old movies that I think are funny or just plain wonderful. The theme this summer has been 50's Sci Fi movies. Skunk Ape is a huge Sci-Fi fan so I thought he should see the beginnings of the genre. the first midnight and mom movie was "The Cyclops". Believe it or not Lon Chaney Jr. Stars in that gem.This time young Frankenstein was recorded so that was what I decided to introduce him to.  Really it's a horror/comedy but I think that all young men need to experience the genius of Mel Brooks so I choose it anyway.

The Skunk Ape was entranced. I fell a sleep shortly after the sceene where the blind man feeds Franenstein's monster. But I woke up in time to see the wedding night scene. The Skunk Ape toddled off to his own bed to sleep and I put on " The Big Sleep". I mean who doesn't want to got to sleep to Humphrey Bogart?

My point to this is that I LOVE old movies. Black and white, silent, color anything pre 1960 I dig. I got Agent Daddy hooked on old movies and now it is time to indoctrinate my children. I have made them watch many movies from the Wizard of Oz to Duck Soup. And of course they have fallen in love with the Marx Brothers. I guess everyone has. Skunk Ape being a little OCD had to research and find out everything he could about them. So we are in the car with Agent Daddy and the Skunk Ape pipes up and says " Did you know there was another Marx brother that died when he was really young?" And Agent Daddy answers " Did you know there were two more Marx brothers that no one talks about?" Now the Skunk Ape is intrigued, and Agent Daddy continues " Yeah there was Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, Drunko, and Drago. but no one talks about them because one was a drunk and the other was a drag queen." The tea I was drinking came out my nose and the Booger Monster asks"What's a DRAG QUEEN?"
I look at Agent Daddy and say " YOU get to answer THAT one"


  1. Following from The Adventures of J-Man GFC hop! Hope you'll follow us back :)

  2. See...more alt universe stuff.

    I am a MONSTER for the oldies. Saw "A portrait of Jenny" for the 1st time 3 years ago & now it's one of my favs. Love the really old Bette Davis, "Now Voyager" is a classic!

    Like you,it has to be pre-1960 or forget it! 1939 is still one of the best years for movies. If I could go back in time, I'd be born like 1905. I've given this a lot of thought, so I'd just be coming of age during the roaring 20's and I could thrive during the 30's & early 40's. I'd sit out the whole depression, dust bowl thing.

    Info for Skunk Ape. Lauren Bacall's "the look" stems from her 1st movie. She was so nervous she took to dropping her chin down and looking at people from "under" her eyes so no one could see her chin quiver.

    "You know how to whistle don't ya? Just put your lips together and blow."

  3. Hahah. To BEST answer that question you should make him watch Too Wong Fu with Patrick Swazy....

  4. Alexa Drop Hopping in to say hello and am now following via GFC.

    Melissa AKA Froggy

  5. Priceless!!! How did he answer that one?

  6. lol! :)


  7. Omg- I love it. I'd like to know what he said to that question.

  8. LOL That's so funny! I'm curious what did he say to that? hi hi I'm happy I found your blog and I am now following you thanks to Finding New Friends, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
    Happy Friday!

  9. He answered the question by very deftly changing the subject. He is good at that.:)

  10. You are the funniest EVER! Good times!!
    Ro :)

  11. Aloha!!! New follower here via the Blog Hop.... Thanks for the laugh!!! :)-

  12. Hi! New follower from the Mingle Monday Morning Blog Hop! Http://


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