Big Foot, the Skunk Ape, and the Booger Monster

If you are wondering if Big Foot, the Skunk Ape, and the Booger Monster exist., I can tell you they do. I know that  because I live with them. Big Foot is the leader. He leaves hair samples all over the bathroom everyday and I have tripped over the massive shoes he wears. He is BIG. 

Big Foot wears many disguises, when I met him he looked like a normal, attractive man,  it wasn't unitl I married him that I discovered the shedding problem. Don't get me wrong, I can't knit a sweater from his back hair, but my tile floor has a fur rug in it whenever he has used it. And worse than the shedding and the big shoes are the spawn of Big Foot, the Skunk Ape and the Booger Monster.

The Skunk Ape, refuses to bathe. I have patiently explained to him  "People will like you more if you smell good" but it falls on deaf ears. He has not begun to shed like his sire but the feet are huge and I am afraid he will grow into them. 

The Skunk Apes brother is the Booger Monster. When I went to college and studied hard to get good grades I never in a million years imagined that I would grow up to be a human Kleenex. The Booger Monster has a perpetually drippy nose. He believes sleeves were invented for him to wipe said nose upon. He also believes that is is perfectly acceptable to give mommy a hug and then rub the before mentioned nose all over mommy's shirt. I am disgusted just thinking about it. I have begged him to stop but he looks at me with those big brown eyes and says " But Mommy, I am just Loving on you." What do you say to that? "Love doesn't have Boogers?"

It is difficult to catch these three, on film, in their natural habitat. And even more difficult to get them to smile. I have a computer full of blurry, and unsmiling photo's. But At least I know they exist. And now you do too.

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  1. Love this post. It is funny as well as apt.
    I am following. If either of your junior monsters would like a free time-travel e-book that incorporates characters from my 3 latest books,just email me at - and it's yours FREE

    A magic Boab tree, a chatty cockatoo, and the Aussie outback of 1950, all come together for fun and adventure.

    Margot’s Magic Carpet
    Kids Books With a WOW Factor!

  2. My husband seems to get hair all over our bathroom as well :) New follower from MBC, have a great week! You can find me at

  3. Thanks Frugal in WV. My dad was born in WV. I followed you both on Google and Networked Blogs. :).

  4. Following on Networked Blogs. Thank you for properly (ahem) introducing me to your family. :) Look forward to future posts!


  5. Love your adorable blog and I'm happy to be your newest follower! Found you through MBC and hope you can swing by sometime to return the favor! Such cute-ness here:)

  6. Hi, I'm a new follower from MBC. Cute blog. If you have a moment, check out mine. Http:// I'm also on Facebook as Mama-press. If you are interested in being a guest blogger on my site, let me know!

  7. Love your blog! New follower from I look forward to getting to know you, and hearing more about the booger monster (I remember so well!).

    RJ, the HOPE Coach

  8. You got it Grannie Bonnie! The Army is following you now!

  9. Too funny!

    Thank you for stopping by and participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you. I reposted your blog to the Get Wired Wednesday Blog Hop area ( It was loaded in the Blog Hop Library.....Nothing but crickets chirping there half the time LOL I wanted your great blog to be noticed!

    Have a great day!


  10. Love the blog! Made me smile...happy to be a new follower..

    follow me @

  11. I clicked the mommy blog header at the top. Does that vote for you? This post was a hoot. You need a daughter! You've experienced the dirt and boogers, now you need girl drama.

    I'm now following you.


  12. Joyce Thank you for the vote! Glad you liked the article. No girls for us the store is closed.:(

  13. Too funny! I live with a couple of those scary monsters and a little booger monster too!

  14. Very funny! I now live with three males and I'm sure I'm in for a wake up call! All 3 of them have seasonal allergies and so I totally get the booger monster!!! UGH!!!

    I'm stopping by from voiceBoks! I'm a new follower and if you get a chance drop by Always Just A MoM!

  15. I'm a new follower from Voiceboks, and I voted for you! Have a good day!

  16. Grew up with 4 stinky brothers, then had my step-daughters, whom my husband and I lovingly called our little goats.(They smelled like goats!)for a number of years, so even if you had a girl, you would not escape boogerdom and goatville. Nice to find you on VoiceBoks:)

  17. Hahah...males can be so gross. I also have two boys,but a girl as well. So I get a break from the boogers and skunks every now and then and enjoy the sweet scent of a clean girl!

  18. Hopping over from VB to follow your sweet blog. Hugs!

  19. Stopping by from voiceBoks to say welcome.

  20. Hilarious! I can't wait to read more! I found you at vB.

  21. Stopping by from the voiceBoks blog hop group! :)

    This post is hysterical! I have a Big Foot of my own, only his feet aren't that big, they look more like Fred Flintsone feet. LOL He is awful hairy, though! As for the Booger Monster...My daughter does the exact same thing. I tell her that I love her and her hugs and kisses, but I am not her personal kleenex. LOL She also likes to think I'm her personal napkin too... We're working on both of these issues! LOL


  22. Hi, stopping by from voiceBoks! :)

    I also have a Big Foot. HOW do they shed so much? And make so much noise? You would think that Big Foot hunters would be able to find them from the noise alone. Their baby-waking skills are legendary...

    I'm gladly following on GFC and Networked blogs. Can't wait to read more.

  23. I JUST LOVE IT!! I am following your blog!

  24. Hi! I came by (late of course) from the Wednesday blog hop and am now a new follower of your blog thru GFC and I also sent a friend request on Facebook. I would really love a follow back on both of these if you don't mind. I love that you chose an old fashioned kinda woman as your icon and badge. We will need to have our mother's resolve to make it thru this financial crisis if something isn't done soon by Congress and the President. Thanks for your help and have a great week.


  25. Thanks for participating in my wednesday blog hop! Following you now! Please follow back.

  26. Following you from the Monday Mingle Blog Hop.

    Thanks for introducing us to your family. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the laughs!

    Have a great week!

  27. Haha!! Too funny! :D

    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle Blog Hop!

  28. Stopping by from the hop.

    Love this post - made me laugh out loud!

    Follow me back at

  29. I am a new follower from the hop. Feel free to follow me back at:

  30. I'm your new follower from the MM Blog Hop!

    Love your post!

    follow me @


  31. new follower & stopping by from the "alexa drop hop"

  32. stopping by from the Alexa Drop Hop
    Shelly's Bits and Pieces

  33. Stopping by with my toolbar on from the Alexa Drop Hop! Would love a visit back :)

    Kristen from

  34. I'm your newest follower:)Check me out at whenever you can

  35. Visiting from the Alexa Drop Hop with my toolbar! Hope you'll visit back!

    The Lazy Mom

  36. Thanks for stopping by my hop!!!! I am now following!!!

  37. New follower from weekend blog hop.
    and voted =)

    Taffy ~

  38. That's blog has cool and funny for attending it's reviews. It's better idea to editing a blog for the perfects way for enjoying.


  39. Hi!! I'm stopping by and following from Mingle Monday Blog Hop. I hope you'll check out my blog Frazzled Mama at and follow me back.

    Hope you have a great week.


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