It's Not What it Looks Like....

After being stuck in bed with an upper respiratory infection for the last 5 days, I have learned a few things. First , I am married to the GREATEST Guy on earth. Well actually I already knew that but I was reminded of it when I told Agent Daddy the results of my Doctor visit and he didn't say " Well there goes my weekend." He was glad to hear that I was in fact not dying as I had been saying for over a week. Yes I was sick for over a week and I did not go to the Doctor right away. Why? You may ask. Hell if I know. I am as bad as a man when it comes to going to the Doctor. I really am always sure that I can "cure" myself with home remedies. I am right about half the time.

This was supposed to be a four day weekend for Agent Daddy and instead it was four days of laundry, kids, cooking and taking care of the sick. Did he complain? Not once. But I discovered some of Agent Daddy's secret guilty pleasures. He makes fun of me ALL the time for the Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw and Jersey Whore,but Agent Daddy watches Cheaters. And he doesn't watch the whole thing, he just fast forwards to the fights. He gets his guilty pleasure from watching guys with their pants around their ankles jump up and say " It's not what you're thinking!" He finds it hysterical that with out fail it is CLEARLY "what you are thinking" but the idiot that is caught is sure he can talk his/her way out of it. I didn't realize that Agent Daddy watched this was such regularity after I had fallen  asleep. But when you can't breathe you tend to be up at odd hours. I also discovered that he LOVES The Walking Dead. I am not sure why zombies are so interesting to him but his love of this show explains why he keeps saying things like "we might need that for the zombie apocalypse.' I thought he was kidding, now I am not so sure.

I also discovered that if something is crashing or exploding TV, Airborne will somehow know and arrive in front of that TV within seconds of said crash or explosion. I was using this instead of a bell to call for help. Did I mention that I couldn't talk with out having a coughing fit. So I was silent Susan as well as being stuck in bed. One afternoon I was lonely so I turned on "Wacko's Behind the Wheel 4" and Airborne wandered in to watch with me. Strangely enough, Agent Daddy came in about 10 minutes into the show. He watches for like 30 seconds as says"Don't even think about it." Speaking to Airborne. Airborne replies with out missing a beat " Too Late." I haven't broken the news yet to Agent Daddy that Airborne has a psychic connection to mayhem.

The things you discover when you are sick ans stuck in bed are many. I would venture to say that most of them are BAD.


  1. LMAO at your hubby fast forwarding to the fights on Cheaters. Why waste time with the nonsense when you can skip right to the good part? ;)

    Hope you are finally feeling better! Being that sick is just plain awful!

  2. Oh darlin' I hope you're feeling better. You're right, Agent Daddy rocks. Mine when I'm sick? "Where's the towels, where's the toilet paper?" UGH!

    Another reason why we have GOT to get all the families kids and husband LOVE The Walking Dead :)

    Love to you

  3. I have trained all the men in my house to go to the "stock cabinet" for anything that they might use in the bathroom. If it is not in the stock cabinet THEN they may come and ask me where the toilet paper, deodorant, tooth paste, shampoo, etc is. If they come to me first I just say have you checked the cabinet?
    When the Zombie Apocalypse comes, we will be the only family that still smells good. We might be hungry but we WILL smell good.
    I am feeling somewhat better, thanks everyone for asking?


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