Brood X Review and $100 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway Ends 5/30

Brood X by Michael Phillip Cash paper back $8.99 Kindle $O.99


Seth is laid off from work. His wife Lara just found out they are expecting a baby this summer. Seth plans on documenting the entire pregnancy with his brand new digital camcorder.

During an evening home watching television, the news reports that a swarm of cicada (Brood Ten) are expected to overwhelm the entire Northeast.

Brood Ten is vicious and ready to invade.

During a sweltering summer night, Brood Ten emerges and wreaks havoc with the electric grid, phone and cell service, wi-fi, food and water supply. Civilization as they know it is gone.

Seth and Lara are thrown back to the stone age in their own home with trillions of cicada trying to deposit their eggs and breed.


I picked this book up as a digital download around lunch time. By dinner I had called several friends to recommend it. I could not put it down. The book is listed as horror. I was surprised. I probably would have listed it as a thriller. Not really a blood and guts hack and slash book which is what I usually associate horror with. The book opens at an Emergency Room over run with trauma patients. We don't know what the big trauma was but the hospital is full and we are privy to a couple of security guards as they oversee the hospital. A paramedic invades their sanctuary bringing with him a video camera.

What unfolds on that camera is the guts of the story. It is a story that sucks you in and keeps you turning pages until the final scene. In the real world, news broadcasts often exaggerate the level of danger expected form weather events to the point that we become numb to their continuous over dramatization of the expected event.  A light shower becomes Storm Watch.Michael Phillip Cash expertly draws a picture of the pendulum swing of our reactions to the news of coming "catastophic" events. He pulls us along as the main characters experience the nightly chicken little report. The news outlets so sensationalizing  upcoming weather events that we don't know if we should prepare or mock.

And then he drags us along as Seth finds out happens when you don't prepare...and even if you do.

I devoured this book in a couple of hours. It was a great fast paced novel. If you are looking for a nightly read don't pick this up. It will keep you up all night trying to finish it. If you are looking for something to read by the pool...make sure you have plenty of sunscreen, because once you pick it up you will be riveted to the spot you are in until you get to the end of the wild ride that is this story.

And now you can win the Book AND a $100 gift card to Home Depot to PREPARE for Brood X! (contest only open to US residents)


  1. Ooh...sounds sort of...zombie-ish and like GREAT toilet reading!!!!!! Great review punkin!

  2. I like to read in my living room.

  3. I like to read in bed or on the beach!

  4. In bed

    ellen beck
    tannawings at gmail dot com

  5. I love how this book sounds! I love reading during my bus ride home! It's the best 45 minute "me" time for books!

  6. I like to read on the hammock.

  7. I like to sit on my couch and read!

  8. On the back porch (as long as the neighbors dogs aren't out barking at everything.

  9. I like to read any where really. If it is nice out and my neighbor's dog isn't barking I like to be outside but I usually read in my favorite chair.

  10. LOL I just read Corinne's comment sounds like we live in the same neighborhood.

  11. Unfortunately I can't enter (I'm Canadian). If I'd won, I would have bought myself a new pair of hedging shears.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  12. I like to read in bed after everyone is asleep.

  13. I like to read by water (lake or ocean).

  14. I love to read anywhere I can lay down, I can not read standing up at all!

  15. in my in the evenings!

  16. In bed!
    kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

  17. in my bed or on my porch on sunny days

  18. I like to read laying in my bed.

  19. This sounds like an awesome book!!! I want to read it, probably by the pool in the back yard!!

  20. When the weather is nice, under my patio in the backyard!

  21. When the weather is nice, outside in my screen house.

  22. I read in my easy chair. I relax and have a good lamp over my head.

  23. In bed, or sprawled out on the couch while the kiddos nap

  24. I like reading in bed or by the pool.
    mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

  25. I love to read while taking a hot bath!

  26. I like to read in bed before going to sleep.

  27. I like to read in the bathroom!

  28. outside in my lanai in the afternoon or on a rainy day.

  29. I like to read in bed, or if I have the audiobook, then while walking the dog.

  30. I like to read in bed or on the couch

  31. In bed, or out on the back patio when it is nice outside.

  32. I love to read on my back deck.
    maggietucker10 (Rhonda Grisham)


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