Real Army of Moms

Due to this day and age, so many of us have become separated by many things beyond our control. However... as we reach deep in our hearts, in order find that single commonality, it is hard to ignore the fact that we are all tied together by a simple three letter word. MOM!  Yup... as simple as it sounds, there it is.  MOM... Everyone has got one. Good, bad or indifferent. No natural, humanly possible way around it.

Considering Mom is typically a strong willed, hard as nails, full of love, stops at nothing and always has something to say kind of gal, wouldn't it be nice to have an army of them. Ya think?

The real army of Moms is here! We are building and growing an army of us.

This site is dedicated to Moms alike, from around the world and of many cultures. As we start this journey in search of everyday knowledge, we realize that the most simple, little everyday things, can make a big difference in the overall quality of life. is that special place where us moms share those little secrets that ease the pain, in the womanly adventure called life.

We invite you to join the troops and share those secrets, whether it's a recipe to die for, where to best stretch the dollar or even how to spice up your sex life... Feel free. We all need it! We say bring it on!

For those of you gentlemen that would like to participate, share a few motherly encounters, or even show us your mom... We say bring it on!

There is a war to win ladies... It involves no guns or violence. The only weapons necessary are your mind and your hearts. Oh... and your attitudes!  Together we are an army so... Bring it on!
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  1. This is a must watch for all parents.


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