Goodbye Buzz Lightyear...

This weekend while I was helping my boys clean their rooms and get rid of the clothes they have out grown, the Buzz Lightyear costume went into the donate bag.  When I saw it I was reminded of all the times Buzz Light year went to the grocery store and the cleaners with me.

I remember pushing the shopping cart that looks like a race car. Two active boys dressed in costume, Buzz Lightyear was the favorite, but I had several Jedi Knights shop with me as well. Those trips to the store seemed like a gauntlet. I had to circumvent  certain isles to avoid the "mommy can I's".  Oops don't go down that isle there are cookies there, nope not that isle, the ice cream will cause a riot. One time my youngest cried so hard for ice cream that he vomited in the check out lane.

I was so relived when they were both in school and I could shop alone again. But now seeing the empty Buzz costume, I have to admit that I am a little sad to know that I will never shop with costumed toddlers again.  Being a mommy is a tough job. But those moment that were so hard to navigate are also some of my best memories.

Goodbye Buzz Light year, I hope some other mommy is as proud to shop with you as I was.

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