Ok, so I had a Baby, Now WHAT?!

I remember when I decided that I wanted to have a baby. My husband and I rationally discussed the steps necessary to creating a perfect little family. It may have been the last rational thought I had for several years.

First I got pregnant. All those hormones made me CRAZY. I completely lost my mind. But I did what I had always done when embarking on something new...I took a class. Actually I took many classes. I took them on childbirth, basic baby care, baby first aid, advanced baby care, and a nursing class so that I would feed my baby from my body exactly the right way. Then my oldest son was born....

What they don't tell you in class is that the class REALLY doesn't prepare you for actually having a baby. I think BUDS/SEALS training would have been more appropriate training for  bringing home the baby. Hell week, where the SEALS stay up for days straight is more like that first few months with a new baby. I went to college, so I was convinced that I understood sleep derivation. I was completely clueless about how long the sleep deprivation would last. By the time my little bundle of joy was sleeping 6 hours at a stretch I had put eyedrops in my nose, diapers on the baby backwards, fed the dog a bottle, and hadn't showered regularly for months. I kinda looked like a refugee. Torn, stained sweat sweat pants, greasy hair, bags around my eyes, and a constant look of bewilderment.

When my baby did begin to sleep 6 hours at a stretch the fog began to clear and I then began to think about why my baby did this or that. Was I doing everything right? So I did what any college educated woman would do...research. For me that meant hanging out in the baby isle of Target looking for other women who had babies a little older than mine. When located them I would ask them " what does it mean when my baby does..., how do I... and how come you look bathed and well rested?" I was ready to take advice from ANYONE, even my mother. If someone had told me to dance in the moonlight wearing a pink tutu I would have. I was that desperate.

Eventually, my baby started to sleep thought the night,  and I started to bathe more regularly. I then began to feel like I had a handle on what I was doing. But those first 6 months, I was a basket case. I felt incompetent and overwhelmed. I relate this story because I know that I am not the only one out there who felt this way. I want other moms to know my babies survived my incompetence and are now smart, healthy, loving little monkey's on speed.

Now you know why Real Army of Moms was created. I wanted a place for us moms to go, to laugh, support and bitch about the hardest job you will ever have.
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