The not so REAL Real Housewives of Orange County...

Let me start out by saying I am COMPLETELY addicted to the ENTIRE Real Housewives franchise. I live in orange county so I tend to pick on those "ladies" more than anyone else. Sorry Girls. The Real Housewives of Orange County just finished its season, and I want to recap all the "reality" going on.  Bravo manages to find a new wife who looks just like the other wives. Admittedly, in Orange County, you cannot spit and not hit a peroxide blonde. I miss having a few brunettes in the mix. But really Andy, you have had brunettes in the past, they have never been as catty and mean as the blondes but it would be fun just to have one nice person on the show.

Lets start out with the name of the name of this program...REAL HOUSEWIVES of Orange County. I think only one of these women is still sporting her "real" breasts. Everyone acts as if getting a boob job is like getting a manicure, if you have money you should do it. Some of the boob jobs are of almost comical proportions. And then they start competing for who has the best boob job whose are bigger and who needs to have theirs re-done. I don't get it. I live here in the OC and most of the women I know don't have boob jobs. And we never fight over whose boobs are best. Frankly I think about my boobs when I put on the bra in the morning and when I take off the bra at night. They are not a fashion accessory. But then unlike these women, my husband and I actually like each other and my hubby doesn't measure his manhood by how big my boobs are. Then you have to add the Fake lips, there was actually a fight between Alexsis and Peggy over who had the bigger fake lips. And the fight went on all season.

My next un "REAL" issue is the fake hair. They all have almost the same shade of blonde and they wear the same length extensions. Then they style them all in almost the exact same way. The only other group that looks more alike is the Housewives of New Jersey and they STILL have one lady that has a different color hair. What I find hysterical is that these women fight like cats and dogs then dress up like each other.    Now it looks more like the Stepford Harpies than the real anything.

My husbands comment on the housewives was " None of these ladies are married, how can they be House"wives"". I patiently explained that some had been married at one time...but really he is right. If you are not married maybe you shouldn't be on the HOUSEWIVES. I get around the "real" and the "housewives" thing by calling them the Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw. That way it doesn't matter if they are married have real anything and what city they are in. It is just my chance to watch women behave badly and enjoy the cat fights.

I love you Andy Cohen. I love Bravo TV. I love Bethany and her inappropriate humor. I love Jeff Lewis, his OCD clean freak self as well as Flipping out. And I loves me my Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw. But most of all I love the cat fights over boobies and fake lips.
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  1. I am also addicted to the Real Housewives, particularly New Jersey and OC. But, I have to tell you, I almost didn't make it through part 2 of the OC reunion. All the screaming! All the yelling! All the name calling! I had to turn it off and try again the next day lol. They are all identical and all just as spiteful and mean as the next! I LOVE IT!

    Fellow love of the Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw!

  2. Glad you stopped by and that I am not the only one both addicted and appalled at the same time

  3. thanks for stopping by. As for TV and me, I seldom watch it, except for the occasional cooking show. :)

  4. great blog! Visiting from VoiceBoks! Your newest follower!

  5. Okay....the fake boob thing drives me nuts. Vanity anyone? Someday they're gonna have to face facts, we all get old, we all get ugly and we all die.

    I used to think about getting fake boobs, until I kept remembering I had 6 kids who needed shoes and food. Little leeches :)

    Sharon from voiceBoks

  6. It's just like a traffic accident at the El Toro Y... once you're in it, you're STUCK! Cups Up! xoxo

  7. As a housewife of Orange County myself, I DO understand what you're saying. Life is EXACTLY as it looks on TV here. I mean, it's not just those women, it's ALMOST half the women population in the OC! The lesbian's gym is just 4 blocks from my house and the funny thing is that she is actually a lot more beautiful in real life!

    I have wondered about the same comment your husband made. How do the "non" housewives get picked?

    This was a fun read because I do watch this show! Thanks!


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