What do you Mean Mommy Doesn't have a Penis?

Several years ago my husband and I went to Laughlin, NV with his cousin, her son and our two boys. While there we decided to take a day trip over to Oatman, AZ. Oatman is about 40 minutes away from Laughlin and is an old mining town famous for being the place where Cary Grant and Carole Lombard spent their wedding night. It is a tourist trap and alot of fun. My kids were 7 and 4 and my husbands cousins son was 6. They were the perfect age for Oatman. We went to Oatman on a day when they had the pretend gunfights  in the streets.  We were told at the hotel that we should get carrots from the grocery store to feed the feral burro's that roam the streets of Oatman. The kids were all excited to see gunfighters and burros and we packed all 6 of us in the car and off we went.

We were in Oatman at the time of year when the baby burros are quite small and follow their mommys around nursing. We had been following the burros around feeding the mommys and waiting for the "gunfight" when my oldest, in his most authoritative voice, explains to his younger cousin and brother "The babies are sucking on the mommy's penis to get milk."  The other adults standing around began to laugh. My husband looks at me questioning what I am teaching his boys. I am completely speachless. When I manage to get my voice back I begin to explain to him that what he said is wrong on so many levels the most important of which being that mommy's don't have penises. " Mommy," he says to me " if you don't have a penis, how do you go pee? And what are the babies sucking on?" I answer as patiently as I can " Mommy's sit down to go pee and the baby is sucking on the mommies breast." My oldest looks at me, looks at his Dad because he still can't believe what I have told him and says very loudly " Daddy did you know that  mommy doesn't have a penis and she has to sit down to pee?" My husband grabs my sons hand and leads him away from the crowd that is forming around my little comedy show and quietly says "Yes I am aware that your mommy does not have a penis but its ok God made her that way."

And that's how we roll....


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  1. My friend's daughter this week told her that a vagina is a girl's penis...where do they get this stuff?!?!!

  2. Hahah. You must've never left the door open while peeing in your house...

  3. Don't know if I could have survived that conversation!!! I'm blog hopping and found yours. Am now following. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  4. LOL my son just turned two! can't wait LOL

    following you from thursday hop! would love a follow back and say hello!

  5. LOL. Kids are such awesome comedy! Your story reminds me of where my 7-year-old, until just recently, thought wieners came from: Lala Musings: Wiener Wonder - Humour

    Anyway, I am a new follower from the FNF blog hop and look forward to reading more of your fun looking blog!


  6. OMG! My sons all know I don't have one (I'm pretty sure that the 16 y.o. has figured it out from his Catholic sex ed class, at least). The other two -- maybe not. Of course my 8 year old daughter is well aware, since she has the same equipment. Hilariously funny post! Thanks!

    Samantha from vB

  7. Hi Following you through the Blog Hop, I have 2 boys, one going into HS and one in middle school and surprisingly I have never had this conversation. My husband however.... Would love a follow back : )

  8. Oh this was too funny - I laughed til I choked! Both of my sons had opinions about the different equipment of boys and girls, and some of those conversations bordered on the ludicrously hilarious too. Thank you for sharing this!

    ~RJ, the Hope Coach (from vB)

  9. OMG this is hysterical!!!! My daughter was scratching her private parts the other day when we had friends over. I told her that we don't do that in front of people and she declares "but my crotch is itchy"! Everyone thought it was hysterical, espcially the 2 little boys that were over. Sigh... I'm going to have to kick my SIL's butt for teaching her that word. LOL

    Lisa from vB

  10. Out of the mouths of babes! When my daughter was little we were at the grocery store once, she sat down on the floor, lifted up her shirt, and said she was going to breastfeed her baby doll. I am a new follower from the blog hop. Visit my daughter and I at our blog, Says Me Says Mom (http:saysmesaysmom.blogspot.com where we talk about anything and everything.

  11. LMAO!! Kids say the damnedest things!! I love it!

    Visiting from voiceBoks!

  12. Way too funny!!! When my oldest was about 2 -3 he walked in on me when I was comming out of the shower and said, Mommy you are broken! I think I would have died laughing if I was there with you!! I love how your husband took him aside to explain!! Just great!! So glad I'm catching up with VoiceBoks!!!

  13. Wow... that is funny and also scary. Looks like what I'll be dealing with in a few years!


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