Did You Know that an Octopus Can Smell Though its Eyes?

My kids are scary smart. The Skunk Ape, despite having an aversion to bathing, knows every Actor who has ever played Doctor Who.  Even though the series started before I was born. He reads everything. Which is no surprise since I am reader too. Well actually I am a reader the way a black out drunk alcoholic is a drinker. I can't seem to stop myself. I will even read Agent Daddy's gun magazines if I am bored, or stuck on a plane, and have already read my two novels and 3 magazines that I brought. But enough about me. Back to the kids. Recently we moved our kids into a different school system.  I have to say the difference is remarkable. In the car driving to and from school we have conversations about Impressionism and Realism and Picasso's Blue Period. Crazy stuff that makes my little intellectual heart flutter. They hum classical music because the teachers play it in the background during class. They hear music at the mall or in the back ground of a movie and say " Isn't that Gershwin?" So needless to say I am ecstatic that a public school in California could be so AWESOME! And they are. Thank you Fullerton School District, Golden Hill Elementary, and All the Arts for All the Kids.

I tell you all of this to give you some context for what I am about to tell you. The Booger Monster and I are driving in the car  the other day when he says to me " Mom , did you know that lightening strikes the earth 17,000,000 times a day? That is over 200 times a minute." "Wow" I say " I did not know that. But it doesn't surprise me." He continues on" I found that out in a game I was playing." I have gotten kind of used to him spouting information like an encyclopedia. What ever he reads or sees on TV he seems to remember verbatim. Which is why he is not allowed to watch the Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw with me any more. I never know when out of the silence he will say " Did you know that Octopuses ( He hasn't read yet that multiples are Octopi) can smell with their eyes?" or " Did you know that  soda removes rust? The Myth Busters proved it." The Skunk Ape however, will say things to me like "Is that the party we went to with the pacifist child?" I didn't know he knew that word. I know that he is a blood thirsty little heathen who can identify almost any gun on sight but PACIFIST? Or one of my favorites is when he says to me " You know that one show with the guy..." he will then proceed to describe the show in great detail in an entirely accurate way but in a way I would NEVER have thought to describe it. His mind is like a beautiful Kaleidoscope that takes ordinary object and reflects them back in a beautiful and unusual way. The two of them have started wanting to watch the programs that their father and I like and it is amazing to get their take on it. The Booger Monster absorbs the factual data for regurgitation later and the Skunk Ape wants to solve the mystery before anyone else. I find that watching TV with my kids makes the story more interesting than watching it with just Agent Daddy and I. Their take on the story and their insights into human behavior are pretty cool. Riding in the car is now an education in how smart and amazing my kids truly are.

Now If I could just get them to bathe regularly I'd be in business.

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  1. Pacifist, LOL. My 13 year old is a fountain of info too, only he's not right as much as he thinks he is. You're children are hysterical & I'm glad you enjoy your car rides with them. I'm still at the stage where I say, "Shut up! Don't make me pull over and whoop your a** in front of everyone!"

    Kissy kissy

  2. I love this post- how funny, they are obviously going to be very intelligent when they are older!

    Thanks for coming by my blog- I am now following you back via GFC.

    Looking forward to reading more.


    www.mummydaddyandmemakesthree.co.uk x

  3. I am in awe of your school system - and jealous, too!! Wow!

    I need to start limiting my daughter's watching of the Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw. I'm starting to worry about her copying ANYthing from those lovely ladies!!

    Your kids sound so amazingly smart - goes to show you are one great mama! I always find it so interesting the different way kids see things =)


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    Visiting from voiceBoks!

    ♥ xoxo


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