Everlasting Lip Gloss by AVON?

The reason I used a question mark was because I am surprised how fabulous this really is. I, like a lot of people, assoicated Avon with low cost/ quality. Well let me dispell that myth right now. I have used lip gloss from just about everyone, Fusion, Sephora, Bare Minerals, and Philosophy, just to name what is in my purse at this moment. Avon has awesome prices but this ain't no drug store lip gloss.

But let me back up just a little. I may or may not have told you guys that I LOVE free stuff. I may even have to go to rehab for it cause I love free so much it is affecting my relationship with Agent Daddy. He likes minamalist and I like Free. The two don't really mix. But anyway, I entered to  win a free lipgloss from Dayno Musto and Great Buys. I was super excited to find that I had won. Then I got the lip gloss and I was STUNNED. This is quickly becoming my FAVORITE lip gloss. I am so impressed by the new AVON that I am purchasing their mineral makeup. I have used Bare Minerals for 9 years but I can't believe that I can purchase Avon's minerals for less than half of what I pay for Bare Minerals.

If you, like me and most of America, are looking to save a buck anywhere you can, Check out AVON. You will sacrifice no quality and thier makeup is 100% guarenteed. Even if you use all of the product you can still return it and shop on line by using the above link. I highly recomend this lip gloss, mine is petal, for anyone who LOVES lipgloss. Thank you AGAIN Dana for re intoducing me to AVON. This is not your mothers AVON. That is for sure. I vote FAB on this.
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  1. Thank you so much for your honest and funny review. I am thrilled that you enjoyed the lip gloss so much. Wait till you try the make up - I have many bare minerals users who have switched.

  2. OK, I want some.

  3. Samantha go to http://dmusto.avonrepresentative.com/
    you can order it there I swear you will LOVE it.

  4. Here is the link to the Extralasting Lip Gloss: http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?src_page=product_list.aspx&level1_id=300&level2_id=301&pdept_id=311&dept_id=0&pf_id=41884

  5. I love Avon's stuff. Thanks for stopping by the S&R weekend hop again! Have a great week!


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