Fashion Friday-The Road to Recovery

It is very apparent that in my industry, and in the fashion world in general that a certain item, whether it be your favorite sun glasses or the perfect pair of jeans, just make us feel extremely good about ourselves.  But sometimes an event comes along in life that really throws us a curve ball, knocking us off kilter and making us start all over again when it comes to not only fashion, but life in general.
A couple of years back, my mother was diagnosed with multiple types of cancer, she was first hit with kidney cancer, twice, and then a couple of years later had a fight with ovarian cancer.  She was in and out of the hospital constantly.  As her weight  fluctuated she joked that she was in a perpetual state of muumuus.  Another less severe form of this is what many mothers go through, which is the “baby weight”. And the I get vomited on all day I don't need to "dress up" feeling when your children are small.  Thinking about these things, prompted me to write about how to help those who have to take a break from fashion.  So the question is, when our body is going through so many physical changes, what are the little things we
can do to make ourselves feel better?
Since, the majority of my knowledge remains in the fashion industry, I’ll let you in on some helpful tips to get you back on track to looking fabulous on the road to recovery.  After all it is the little things in life, isn’t it?
Statement items are the best way to make yourself feel and look great, when maybe all you can wear is a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt.  Or if you are just out of the hospital and the only thing that feels comfortable is a muumuu.  By re-building your wardrobe with these statement pieces you can integrate them back into your wardrobe when you’re ready to.

The Purse
            The purse is a great way to bring a little fashion back into your life.  Not only does it have a functional purpose, but serves as a decorative piece that is size-less.  Whether you are a size zero or a size sixteen, a purse will always fit.  My mother opted for a purse that normally had multiple compartments, she had a lot of medication to carry around with her, and she is an extremely active woman who hates to stay in, even when she was recovering.  Find the perfect purse that screams, “YOU!”  And this can be your go to item to use as a pick me up. You can spend a little more on a purse as you wear it every day and a good one will last for years.

            Your favorite pair of sunglasses does not have to be some extremely expensive pair that cost you an arm and a leg.  One of my favorite pair that I own only cost me 7 dollars!  Find a pair you like and that make you feel FABULOUS! The great thing about sunglasses is that they match with EVERYTHING.  They always fit, and again, have a great functional use, just make sure they are UV A/B protected. Gott protect those peepers

The Watch
            Another fashion favorite of mine is the watch. Of all the one size fits all items, these usually cost the most.  There were days where mom would just be wearing a pair of sweats, or a muumuu to go out to lunch.  But I remember a day in particular when we were eating at a restaurant, and the waitress complimented my mother’s watch. This put a smile on her face. A smile is your best accessory.  But remember to look for a watch that you love, and that is good quality.  Or one that just makes you smile when you wear it. A good watch should last you well over 5 years.

            Last but not least, one of my favorite statement pieces is jewelry.  But I’m not just talking about new jewelry. Sometimes the oldest ring,  passed down from a special aunt or grandmother, or that necklace that your mother used to wear, can make great statement piece.  Ring sizes hardly change, and necklaces always fit.  Don’t be afraid, to throw on your favorite pair of earrings when going to dinner.  Or that beautiful bracelet you like to wear out to lunch. Even if you ae still in your sweats or mumuu's. You don't have to change everything all at once. Add a little something to make you feel pretty or special and you will start to want to dress up more.

Once my mother started to feel better, and fit back into her old wardrobe,she was able to optimize the statement pieces with her favorite blouse or slacks.  But even before she could wear her smaller sized wardrobe  she could still throw on her favorite ring, or the sunglasses we bought her for her birthday, and FEEL pretty and special.  And it isn't about looking like a fashionista in recovery; it is about how those pieces  made her feel while she had them on.  So remember, although fashion may be this never ending cycle of trends and colors, style never fades, and confidence is ALWAYS the best accessory.

So go get your Fabulous on...Brandon Sapin
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  1. You're brilliant, love today's post!
    My mom was so upset about losing her hair (brain cancer), the only comfort was getting her nails painted fire-engine red.
    The only accessories I splurge on are bags & shades :)

  2. Hi! Thanks for the follow over at "Her Cup Runs Over"! I am gladly following you back! :)



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