I have seen the Future...and it SUCKS!

I have a friend who is a recovering alcoholic. She often tells me " You are only as sick as your secrets." My secret? I am 43 years old. Who is this a secret from? ME. I have been living in denial for 14 years and today I saw what the future holds. I was not pleased. I had seen warning signs but I was so deep into denial that I had "explainations" for all of the warnings.

Warnings? You ask. Yes warnings. About a year ago I started sweating at night while I slept. I told my husband and myself that it was his fault cause he is so hot! Of course he was hot 10 years ago and I never sweated like this. But let us not let reality come into our beautiful little world.

Then last week I was having a cup of tea with my girlfriend Gary.( Yes Gary is a man but Agent daddy says I am not allowed to have boyfriends so Gary is my girlfriend. Everyone is Happy.) Any whoo, I was having a cup of tea and all of the sudden my skin was hot like Georgia Asphalt in the summer. I mean BURNING. I calmly ask Gary " Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" Gary, whose wife is a few years older than I, says " It's you. You probably need hormone therapy." HORMONE THERAPY ? But in my beautiful little world I am still 20 something. I couldn't POSSIBLY need hormone therapy.  So I let Gary's little bombshell lie there between us until I just couldn't stand it and I said " I gotta go get the kids."and I left.

The Final blow to the dam that has been holding back reality? I have been having some trouble with my eyes. I have never worn glasses. So of course I must have a brain tumor which is causing all my head aches.  Right? Apparently not. According to the eye doctor, I just have dry eyes and need glasses to drive at night. And she finishes that statement with the death blow " You know as we get older these things happen." OLDER , OLDER I am not OLDER I am 20 something. So I call Agent Daddy all indignant at being told that I am OLDER and do you know what he says? " Honey of course you are 20 something...20 something plus 20." And here I thought that he was on my side.
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  1. LMAO! At least you remember how old you are - I keep forgetting. Hang tough, Sista

  2. LOL! Oh, thank you for a great laugh today! Not that I'm laughing at how old you are. :) Actually, you kind of got me worried. I've been having that burning hot, sweating skin thing going on too and I've had lots of headaches. I just turned 38. Maybe I should convince my husband we need to have one more child. That will make me younger, right?

    Nice to discover your blog through voiceboks.


  3. You are hilarious! - the male girlfriend made me laugh out loud. Aging is inevitable like death and it annoys me when a young, beautiful person in a breathy voice proclaims she never wants to get old and never will. Oh really? Get back to me in 30 years. But then again, the denial of youth is bliss, a denial I once shared, so I suppose I should be a bit more charitable. :-)

  4. This post made me laugh! I'm a new GFC follower from MeloMomma Share It Friday; BLOG HOP. I'll hope you'll drop by my blog as well.


  5. YOu are hilarious! I was peeing my self...I guess I am getting older! LOL Have a great week-end and don't forget your glasses for driving....I hope you still have your memory!! Kidding! :)

  6. That was a very amusing post, but sadly true! I used to be an Army Wife for over 11 years! Now I am a Disabled American Vet Wife! I found your blog via the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop and I am your newest follower. I hope you will hop over to my blog, Saving Your Green and return the follow or just stome over for a visit sometime.

  7. Hahaha! This is great! I'm not quite there yet, but know all about hot flashes (hysterectomy AND prednisone, I sweat like a pig in a sauna) and poor vision lol.

    At least you still have your sense of humor!

  8. Girl - you are a scream! I hit 50 this year and I am experiencing the same symptoms. Instead of hot flashes I say I am glowing. It's tough to accept my age - to survive it I try to focus on what's good - like the fact I don't give a crap what anyone thinks of me anymore. Keep on writing - I love to read your posts!

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind words. It is nice to know that once I fully embrace reality there are so many of you waiting to embrace me.

  10. hi there! thanks so much for participating in my wednesday hump days slump day blog hop! Following you already. please follow back if you haven't already.

  11. Denial is a wonderful thing, don't ever lose that arrow from your quiver. Very funny, someone I know just recently started wearing glasses to bed to read, I think its cute, she thinks I'm patronizing her.


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