I think I may have a problem...

I was watching the A&E channel with Agent daddy when a commercial came on that I have not been able to get out of my head. It has been three days now and I am still obsessed with the idea of a show called "American Hoggers". I know absolutely NOTHING about this show and yet the name keeps swinging through my conscientiousness like
Tarzan on a vine. A little information about me, I am ADD. So the fact that a thought keeps coming back to me is unusual. My brain is like a TV set with 500 channels. I am constantly switching from channel to channel until I find something that holds my attention for a few moments then off we go to find something new to entertain myself with. The Skunk Ape even mentioned the other day that I never just watch TV with them. I am always checking my email and surfing the Internet on my phone while we watch a program. I am the one woman in the UNIVERSE that is not disturbed but the constant channel surfing that goes on with boys and men and menboys.

So although I know that I have ADD and that it is a problem, it is a problem that I am accustomed to. The problem I am having is with "American Hoggers". A & E is advertising it but it is not out yet so I can't go read about the show to cure myself of this constant "WHAT THE HECK COULD THIS SHOW BE ABOUT?" going around in my head. I mean who would really want to watch a bunch of people hunt wild boar? Shouldn't that be on the Outdoor Channel? I asked Agent Daddy about this incongruousness between the ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT network and a bunch of hunters and he reminded me that this is the same channel that shows "Billy the Exterminator" and "DOG the Bounty Hunter". So I guess bounty hunters and exterminators mated and we got American Hoggers. My brain may explode. It feel like the remote in my head is programed to go back to American Hoggers every 90 minutes. I will be surfing the web and all of the sudden "American Hoggers" will pop into my head and I will start obsessing about how this could really be a show on A&E people. I wonder if the Hoggers and the Hoarders are gonna hang out. Or maybe they will bring the wild hogs into the hoarder houses to eat all the trash. SERIOUSLY could someone EXPLAIN this show that is not even on yet to me???

I really think I may have a problem. Can you be ADD and OCD at the same time?


  1. Yes you can be because I am too. I'm telling you, it's like we are soul sisters! I have the same ADD problems you describe, but I have OCD symptoms, too lol.

    As far as this show, I just can't imagine. I'm going to turn on the A&E channel so I can check out the previews!

  2. Thank you for your advice on my husband dilemma! I really appreciate it! I'm following you now :)

  3. If I'm right, please don't tell me because it means I've lived with mechanic-wannabees for so long - I understand them. Is it about motorcycles? Like the movie Wild Hogs with John Travolta & Tim Allen?
    ADD & OCD, definitely and guilty

  4. I really don't know if it includes motorcycles or not. It is due to premier in August. Maybe by then I can overcome my obsession. So glad I am not the only ADD OCD out there.

  5. Are you freaking serious?! OMG!!! LOL!!!

    First, I disagree with your ADD diagnosis, we happen to have amazing conversations you never get distracted from. Second, Of all the things to contemplate you picked a tv show. I say RIGHT ON!
    At least it's not medical marijuana :)

    Lovie you

  6. What will they come up with next? Coming to you from the Epic Adventures Blog Hop and now following. Come visit back at www.mommymasters.blogspot.com. Nice to meet you!

  7. I saw that commercial as well. Just pulls ya in.

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  9. I think you can. I consider myself to be ADD (although not officially diagnosed, but many symptoms are there), but I'm also a bit of a perfectionist and can be OCD (although more forgiving than an OCD roommate I once had). Plus, in the past year or so, I've noticed that for a few shows that I first start watching, I'm a bit obsessed with thinking about them and watching certain episodes (I started watching Castle back in May and over the past 48 hours, I've watched the two clips shown at the show's Comic-Con panel on Sunday at least a half-dozen times each). Then there's the fact that I'm a bit of a worrier and I have a fairly good memory, so despite my ADD, certain thoughts/scenes/etc. enter my mind frequently. So you're not alone in constantly thinking about something despite being ADD :)

    Stopping by from voiceBoks!

    ~Sarah the Writer


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