Is ANYONE Going to DIE?

I know this sounds crazy but for years we had a standing date at the Urgent Care/ER  every holiday. It never failed we would be at a BBQ/Holiday party and one of the kids would fall and someone would start to bleed and we would be all " Thanks for inviting us we needed to go to the ER now. It was nice seeing you again." As we rushed out of the home of our friends and over to the ER. I am not saying the kids are Klutzes but they are boys. The Skunk Ape took his first trip to the hospital at 9 months you can see that story here. Justin made it until 9 moths too at which time he contracted both the Measles and Chicken Pox at the same TIME! Never go on an airplane with a child under 1 year old is what I learned from that. At one they get all sorts of immunizations that protect them from the diseased people on a plane. I knew were were at the Urgent Care a lot when we walked in one time and the staff greeted us by name and asked " Which one this time?" We have had stitches, sprains bruises and projectile vomiting. Doesn't that sound like fun? One time the Skunk Ape came home with half his face missing. The school didn't EVEN call me. He told them he was ok and they BELIEVED him! His friend was so traumatized by looking at Josh that his mom called me to make sure that he was REALLY okay.

So eventually Agent Daddy came up with a litmus test for our kids. " Are you Bleeding, Barfing or have a Broken Bone? Then why are you crying?" This is how we tell if we need to say our goodbyes quickly at a party or if we just need to calm down a child who is not getting his way, or is being picked on. This evolved in to Agent Daddy explaining before we left for a party " We are having a blood free day today." People would hear us and laugh but you know it is good to have goals. And we have actually achieved that goal on several occasions. And we feel pretty darn good about it.

Now I have completely lost control and I ask myself " Is anyone going to DIE if I don't do this TODAY?" if the answer is no then I know I can wait until later. No use getting all worked up over an artificial time line right. So if you see that I haven't posted for a while then you will know that I asked my self...


  1. You know why I'm laughing my butt off? Because by kid #4 my motto became, "Are you bleeding out of your ears? NO?! then shut up!"

    We're such regulars at our doctors office and pediatric surgeon, they're contemplating making us our own room!

    Luv ya

  2. Oh I can SO relate! My younger two are sons, and the youngest began his ER experience at the tender age of six months. His sister had been carrying him on her shoulders and fell, and she was sure she'd killed her brother. Of course the jealous docs at the teaching hospital needed to give us the evil eye and make sure nothing fishy was going on to produce this broken elbow. But when we came back for a staple in the head, stitches in the lip, and broken bones in the foot, they got to the point they'd just roll their eyes and pull up the files! No blood dripping on the floor? Nope you're not really hurt ha!

    Nope, no one will die (!)... you really do get to take a break for a minute if you like ya know:-)

    ~RJ, the Hope Coach

  3. Ha, so true! After a while (I have 7!) you start beginning to tell the difference between the normal happenings and misadventures of kids, and the actual emergencies! Thank God, we don't usually have THAT many of the latter! Fun picture, BTW! How did you get your cat to stay put the whole time? Lol!
    Sayin "Hi" from VB!

  4. When we go to a party, it's ALWAYS, "It's not a party if a Rodgers' kid doesn't cry!"
    My children are scardey cats. They want to try stuff and then they give up and cry because they have no where to go. One time, we were at a bouncy place birthday party and I realized I hadn't seen my big guy in a while - I went searching for him and found him hysterical crying, in between 2 blowup "things" just stuck. Because it was in the baby blow up area I didn't think to look for him there right away and no one else really went in there. How does a kid get STUCK in a baby blow up thing?????
    That's my kid.............


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