Planes, 24 hour Walmarts and Disease...What a Great Vacation

I had breakfast with by beautiful cousin the other day. She flew into town to see our grandmother and tell her the happy news that she and her husband are expecting a baby. As we sat at breakfast telling baby stories and giving advice I shared this story with her and I thought I would share it with the ARMY as well.

When Agent daddy and I married we were what is known as DINKs. Double Income No Kids. As DINKs we traveled quite a bit. We went somewhere every month. Vegas, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Florida, Texas, Kansas anywhere that we could find an excuse to go and many places that just sounded "fun". So when we began having kids we really didn't feel the need to travel right away. Eventually we had two kids, my feet got itchy again, and I was booking airline tickets to Florida to see my paternal grandparents. The Skunk Ape was 3 and the Booger Monster was 9 months old. As our first trip with two kids we made
some wonderful memories.
My first memory of the trip is asking Agent Daddy "Did you put everything that was on the kitchen table in the car?"
Agent Daddy huffily relied " I put EVERYTHING in the car."
Then we arrived at the airport and were removing the bags from the car I asked "Where is the diaper bag?" Agent Daddy says "I thought you had it.."
I reply "Remember when I asked you if you had put EVERYTHING that was on the table in the car and you told me you packed EVERYTHING?"
Agent Daddy answers "Well I didn't think you meant the diaper bag."
So I spent the next hour begging for diapers in the airport. I have been informed that they now sell "emergency" packs of diapers at the airport but back then it was beg or nothing.
We arrived in Tampa at 1:30 am, the last flight for the night so they were closing the airport as we arrived. My Aunt picked us up and we proceeded to 24 hour Walmart to buy a whole new diaper bag with all the fixings. have you ever SEEN the kid of people who are at Walmart in the middle of the night? Zombies and freaks. Zombies, Freaks, and People who forget the DIAPER BAG! We escaped Walmart and headed to the place we were staying.  When we arrived it was like 3 in the morning Tampa time (which is like midnight  California time which is the time we were coming from). We had two cranky sleepy parents and a couple of  sleepy kids too. Agent Daddy and I were still speaking , miracle of miracles and I never again believe him when he says he has packed everything.
The rest of the trip was wonderful we stayed in Florida for about 5 days and returned to California  easy as pie...or so I thought. What I hadn't realized is that the other people that ride on planes are DISEASED. The Booger Monster presented a 103degree temp about 2 days after we arrived home. This lasted for 3 days. On the third day the fever broke and a rash showed up all over his body. He had the MEASLES. You see he was 9 months old and you don't get immunized for that until you are a year old. Guess what else he got? CHICKEN POX! As so as the Measles rash disappeared the chicken pox started to appear. Poor Booger was ill for 21 days after our trip. So my advice to my beautiful cousin? I love you but stay off planes until your baby is a year old. Then you will avoid all the DISEASED people riding on planes and spreading joy to all the un-immunized. *********************************************************************************** Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. Reminds me of a flight from ATL to Chicago - sweet baby girl was 10-months old. We thought it was safe to travel - not! She CRIED the entire miserable flight! Passengers asking if I'd done this & that. Whenever I board a plane with a crier, I grit my teeth and think: Payback, baby. Payback.

  2. I feel the same whenever I am stuck in a resteraunt , plane, room, line etc with a crying child I remind my self it wasn't so long ago that was me ans the mom is suffering 10X's more then me listening to it.

  3. This is HILARIOUS! And so much fun to know we aren't the only family that has gone through this! Great post!

  4. Hahahahaha! There is a walmart about 2 miles from my house and I will go out of my way to avoid it!!!'s not the store, it's not the stuff, it's not the people that work there - - it's the people that SHOP there!!! However, I haven't been there before at 3 in the morning, I can only imagine that it's that much worse than 3 in the afternoon - lol!
    Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! :)
    Carla at Mrs. No-No Knows

  5. Oh no! See my sons (1 especially) gets a cold that can last a couple months, but we don't usually get hit like that. It is usually just a congestion (hacking and puking at night time) forever after a simple cold. We tell people that if there is sickness they can not come to visit because it has gotten to the point that we are scared to death when we hear anyone cough or sneeze around him.
    Glad everyone is better now :)
    Found you hopping around, would love a return visit. Have a great day!


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