Fashion Friday-Mommy Mastering: Cleaning Closet

            Some of us, who may or may not write for this blog, have a really big problem with cleaning out our closet.  It took me such a long time to get used to the fact that if I wanted to A. Have room in my closet and B. figure out what it was that I really needed to add into my wardrobe, I needed to clean out my closet.  So down below, I’m going to give you a couple of ideas on how to clean out your closet, I know some of you are already shaking you heads, so I’m going to give some great motivation as to why you should.

1.     1. Backwards hanger technique. 

a.     Start out by taking all your clothes and turning all the hangers around so they are backwards, that’s right, hangers facing the WRONG way.
b.      Now, as you progress through your month, as this should take 30 days, every time you wear something you can turn it the right way in the closet.  By the end of the thirty days, whatever is still turned the WRONG way you need to get rid off!
c.      I usually apply this rule only to basic day to day clothes and work clothes.  Special event clothes and formal wear should not be included.  I don’t know anyone who goes to a wedding every week as a guest.

2.    2. Worn out technique.
a.      This one is simple, if you pick up a garment and it has permanent sweat stains, holes that aren’t mendable or are just too past dated, it is time to let them go.  Yes they may have been your favorite jeans, but if you can’t fix those holes in the crotch there are no way you can wear them anymore.

Now this is a technique that is a quick fix to your wardrobe cleaning needs, this is for seasonal clothing, DO NOT try and be sneaky and think that this method will always work.  I guarantee that if you try to use this as a permanent solution clothes will just build up until you have a bigger mess on your hands than you did before. 
3.    The storage technique should be used for your seasonal clothing, as mentioned above.  Where you live, and the climate that you live in should determine how you approach this technique.  During the summer your fall/winter clothes can go into storage.  You don’t need a giant ankle length pea coat in June if you live in California, that means during the winter in Minnesota you can probably pack away your summer flip-flops and tank tops.

NOTE:  Before you start my Cleaning Closet techniques please remember to do these according to seasonal clothing.  If you still have summer clothes in your closet mid- October, separate them and put them in a storage bin or space bag.  I don’t want you to get rid of anything prematurely or without warrant.


1.     More room in your closet!
2.     Charity- There are a lot of great charities that you can donate your old WEARABLE clothes to.  There are a lot of women in need, Working Wardrobes, helps Men, Woman and Young Adults in crisis reenter the work force by providing them with clothes that they can wear to interviews/first days of work.
3.     Get $$$- If you live in areas with a Buffalo Exchange or a consignment store you can take your old clothes there and they will sort through them and give you money for them.  It’s a great way to make a couple of bucks!
4.     Helps you discern what you need from what you want.
5.     A sense of accomplishment, because being a great mom just isn’t enough!

Well mommies, there are my tips for cleaning out your closet, and some great motivational reasons as to why you should!  Remember, a successful person doesn’t find time, they make time.  So throw on your cute, comfy, closet cleaning clothes and good luck!  And remember, stay fabulous!
Brandon Sapin
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  1. Wow...great tips and info. I actually feel fabulous just reading this!


  2. Awesome husband never understood the backward hanger

  3. This is wonderful post with really useful tips! I so need to clean out my closet and see if there are actually clothes in there I could wear.


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