I Need a Keeper...

At least I think I need a keeper because the Tech Monkey has decided that he IS my keeper and it is his job tell me what I should and should not be watching on television. he as decided that my beloved Ho Ho's of the Chi Chi Paw are really in appropriate. I have to watch the Jersey Whore...I mean Shore when they are at school because he has all sorts of ideas about how inane they are. I am hoping this means that he will never bring a Snookie or JWoW home to meet me. He informed me this weekend "Those "Reality Shows" you watch are stupid and those people need to get lives."
"Well DUH!. That is why I watch them so that I can feel superior."

On top of my terrible TV habits he also feels the need to put my hair behind my ears multiple times a day. I have just grown my hair out after keeping it at about 2" all over for most of his life. But now that my kids are more self sufficient I have rewarded myself with longer hair. The problem is that every time I turn around he is tucking it behind my ears where I really don't want it to be.

Yesterday, after we arrived at church he began telling me the "proper way" to lock our car. You see I had not set the alarm because we were at church and I did not want it going off while we were in church. So I only locked the doors. Techie took exception to this because he felt we needed to set the alarm EVERY time we lock the car. I tried to explain to him that since I was the driver and he doesn't even HAVE a drivers license that I get to decide how and where to lock the car. He was not satisfied with my answer and went off to tell his father about how I had not set the alarm.

Considering how easy going I am, I really don't know how he became so opinionated. Seriously, you would think that I would get some points for getting him to stay alive this long but no. Apparently, only he is smart enough to run my life. I asked him if he had met grandma. He looked at me puzzled, then answered "Yes". So I replied "Good then you know I already have a mom I don't need TWO." I hope he doesn't pick up my sacrasm. If he grows up to be opinionated AND sarcastic Agent Daddy will NEVER let me live it down.


  1. This is just too damn funny! I have to thank my lucky stars I don't have any kids THIS bossy lol!

  2. LOL I had a good laugh over your two mom comment! I can imagen my son being like this! He's five and already he tells me how to drive, little mr back seat driver, did I mention he's five?!

  3. LMAO! That is too funny! I love he felt the need to tattle on your for not locking the car up properly

  4. Michelle, we have to do something about your kid. But you know what? That was funny! And Jershy Shore...blech!


  5. I think the Tech Monkey and I spent too much QUALITY time together over the summer.


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