Stocking Stuffers: The Original Hand Vibes

I have to say bravo! Something cool, something new, something with attitude, something collectable, something fun, tradeable and clean as a whistle... but most importantly, something I'd even use.

Holidays are coming and Hand Vibes  are a no-brainer for any stocking that needs stuffin'.

When I say any stocking,  I mean not just for kids...

Then again, I'm a fourty something kid that totally gets it.  On the other hand, the crew from Hand Vibes have demonstrated that most normal adults don't...   

When I first looked at the rainbow of colored rings on their website,  instantly I noticed quite a few vibes that I personally could relate to... and or, create. 

Now this is a message I use on a daily basis whether addressing my dog,
 my mother-in-law, my kids, but mostly over-talkative musicians in a recording session.
I don't know if Hand Vibes knew what they were getting into,  or if they knew who they were dealing with, when they sent them to Adam G and not Michelle of The Real army of Moms.  She has the kids... I merely act like one  =)

Anyways... the packs that were sent to me, were truly appreciated, and have been in my control...   Hand Vibes will now serve as a silent tool that will hopefully bare the same effect... In addition, I may have just found an alternative use that may work as a useful tool for drummers....Thanks Hand Vibes!

OK... Now that I got that out of the way, and got first dibs on the vibes, I gave a little rundown along with SWAG, Live!, Friend and Groovy to my niece.  Now she is truly a kid that totally get it.  I can guarantee that she will be showing all her friends  and asking Santa for more Hand Vibes this Christmas.
