The Little Grudge that could...

When I was pregnant, and Agent Daddy and I were thinking of names for our little Tech Monkey, we settled on a name that we both loved fairly quickly. So it came a quite a surprise when we could not agree on a name for our little Airborne. I wanted to name him Dashiell  after Dashiell Hammet, the writer of The Maltese Falcon one of my very favorite movies ever. Agent Daddy who has an unusual name himself said no way. I begged and pleaded, pouted and begged some more but he would not budge. He's like that. So I came up with another name that I really liked and harkened back to my Scottish roots, Hamish. Nope he was not having it and he wouldn't budge. He was very stubborn about the whole name thing. I really like getting my way and I was REALLY unhappy about his unwillingness to let me have my way but being the giver that I am I came up with another awesome name. Justice. Not only did he tell me no but he told me it sounded like a white supremacist name and told me I needed to find a name we could agree on and that wasn't gonna happen if I kept coming up with these crazy ass names. Can you BELIEVE the nerve of this guy? I mean really who was carrying this kid anyway? I should at least get to pick his name.

Needless to say, we did finally agree on a name. I wasn't happy about it, but I was sedated and he filled out the birth certificate using the name we "agreed" upon. I still really wanted his name to be Dashiell. So I decided when he was little to ask him if he like the name Dash? I told him how I really want to give him a cool name but that Daddy wouldn't let me. He told me he liked his name. Ungrateful little snot. I was devastated but I still didn't give up. Over the years I have dropped not so subtle hints that would could still legally change his name. He has always declined and I have continued to carry around this little grudge that I wasn't allowed to name him Dashiell. Which, by the way, TOTALLY fits him. Now it has been almost 10 years since this discussion about names for Airborne first happened and I am still a little ticked that I didn't get my way. I am thinking I might need a couple of wheels for my grudge since I've been carrying it so long.

Then TCM  shows the The Thin Man Series the other day and I am reminded what a great writer Dashiell Hammet was and that Airborne still doesn't have the name he was destined for. So I casually mention to Airborne " You know, Dashiell Hammet wrote this  story too. And I wanted to name you Dashiell, but Daddy wouldn't let me." You know what I was told? "Give it up MOM." I am telling you these boys have learned NOTHING about women if they think that after only 10 years I would have made peace with not getting my way.  Seriously...I need to work on these guys.


  1. OMG! LOL...Justice? Girl, you kill me! I didn't get my way with #1 or #2, so I grabbed #3. Lost on #4 so fought like nuts for #5. Only got half of #6. Men suck!!!!

    Kissy kissy

  2. I know you would think that these men of ours thought they had some say in our lives or somthing. What you don't like Justice? Everyone wants Justice. It would be way cooler than naming him Tequila or Rum.


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