Please Mr Thief... Leave us alone!

Have any of you ever had your identity stolen?  I haven't but my wife and Mother-in-law have. Total nightmare! As sharp and on top of things as my hawkeye wife is, she couldn't even catch it.  With that being said we needed an identityhawk.

What are these idiots thinking?  I can picture the scenario....

Identity Thief #1 "Hey... let's go steal someone's identity today and we will see how long it takes them to catch on".

Identity Thief #2 "Sure, sounds like fun". "Maybe we can totally destroy their life too".

Identity Thief #1 "Ha! Good times indeed my friend". "None of these fools have identity theft protection". "Let's go get a drink".

Identity Thief #2  "Yeah... Sounds good right about now". "Who's      buyin"?

Identity Thief #1  " Dude, that's a stupid question".  "Hahaha... Not us".   "Hahahaha".

Since my family has fallen victim to identity theft, I thought I'd just put out a careful reminder.  You cant jeopardize your credit score or the ability to stay afloat in these rough economic times.

Happy Holidays and protect yourself in 2012!

Until next time...

Adam G
