Because I'm BATMAN!

This is a phrase that has started to be heard around my house 30 times a day. I don't know which boy started it but all day long I hear " Because I'm BATMAN!" I hear it in the car driving the boys to and from school, I hear it in the grocery store, I heard it in the restaurant this weekend and I have heard it yelled down the halls of my house. Why? "Because I'm BATMAN!" So Thursday after school I was driving the Tech Monkey and his debate partner, my man Caesar, to the local High school for some coaching and the Tech Monkey and Airborne start in with "Because I'm BATMAN!" Now if you don't remember my man Caesar you can read about him
here. Caesar decides he has had enough of BATMAN and says "You are NOT BATMAN. Where are your riches?"

Well Both boys are not taking this laying down. The Tech Monkey pulls a buck out of his pocket and says "You see this? This is my riches. Why? Because I'm BATMAN!" Not willing to be out done by his brother, Airborne says "See this quarter? Those are my riches...because I'm BATMAN!" the two of them are laughing hysterically at their own jokes and my man Caesar looks at me hoping that there is some voice of reason in this car.  I look at him and say " They have very colorful fantasy lives." And then I hear from the back seat "Because I'm BATMAN!" in unison from Techie and Airborne. My man Caesar rolls his eyes and says "We aren't gonna win this one are we?" and we hear from the back seat " NO you aren't because I'm BATMAN!"

I used to be a fan of BATMAN, but now that he lives with me I am not so sure. I guess this is true of all superheros, they are all cool and groovey until they move in with you and don't clean their rooms and stop flushing the toilet. Then they are are just a couple of dirty free loaders that I have to put through college and pay for braces. WHY? Because THEY ARE  BATMAN!"


  1. Best of luck to you Wonder Woman!

  2. Holy crap! LOL... are they still among the living? I've been hearing, "Cause I'm-a firing my lazer!" for 6 months now, so maybe your kids and my kids need to hook up and see if Batman can beat the laser :)



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