Chickens People! CHICKENS!

We eat ALOT of chicken here at the ARMY. Probably four nights a week we have some form of chicken. Last night the Tech Monkey and Airborne were asking about the different parts of the chicken and why  some people choose one part over the other. Agent Daddy loves him some dark meat. He likes the dark meat on Turkeys and Chickens which frankly makes us an AWESOME team because I like the breast meat. We can go to El Pollo Loco and get two chicken plates and give him all the dark and me all the light and not have to pay the extra charge for all white meat. When we make a turkey at Thanksgiving he eats all the dark meat that would go to waste if it were up to me.
But enough of all that. Back to last nights chicken. Airborne is asking what parts of the chicken everyone is eating. Tech Monkey only likes the legs of the chicken. Agent Daddy will usually eat the thighs and I usually eat the breast . Airborne only eats nuggets but that is ANOTHER story for another post.  So Airborne says I didn't know that chickens had breasts. Remember the Tech Monkey telling his cousins that the baby the baby donkey sucks it's mothers penis post? Well you can read it here. That same brainiac  answers of couse they have breasts that is what the farmers milk.

I though that Agent Daddy and I would never stop laughing. I reminded him about how in science class he had learned that only MAMMALS have milk and MAMMALS don't lay eggs. I am sure he was embarrassed but MILKING A CHICKEN? That came out of my 7th grader? I would have been less surprized, though still disappointed with the California School systems, if it had come out of the 4th grader. Airborne was so happy that his brother had been wrong he teased his brother all night about how he wanted a glass of chicken milk.

Chicken Milk anyone?


  1. Haha! That's funny. Chicken milk doesn't sound at all appetizing;-)

  2. Bwahahaha! I love me some chicken boobies! Milk me a Bless your kids. I can't wait until we all get together!!!


  3. Makes sense to me: chickens have breasts, breasts product milk, kabam, you got chicken milk.

    What I can't figure out is how bunnies lay eggs? You know, Easter and all that jazz.


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