Picky doesn't even begin to cover it...

Last week when I was posting about chicken milk I mentioned that Airborne only eats the nuggets of the chicken. That is not exactly true. He will only eat certain chicken nuggets from certain restaurants. He will not eat the chicken nuggets at school. He will not eat McDonalds Chicken nuggets but he will eat chicken nuggets from Wendy's and almost no where else.

This kid is so picky that he wouldn't eat baby food as a baby. I finally gave up and let him have soft foods that I felt he was unlikely to choke on. Hence his current diet of plain pasta, mac and cheese, yogurt, hot dogs and almost anything sweet. Please don't leave me any posts about how I need to force hm to eat healthier foods. This kid can vomit at will and has no problem ruining EVERYONES dinner by doing so when ever we have tried to "force him" to eat what he has deemed inedible. Other than Airborne we eat a pretty healthy diet. I do not buy chips, candy, cookies or crackers. He will eat that and only that if it is in the house. I make dinner and he makes cereal most nights of the week as I refuse to be a short order cook.

When I look back on his life I can hardly believe that we have survived 9 years with this kid. He had a form of colic as a baby when made him cry with out ceasing all day every day. I would often cry with him out of frustration at his crying. That went on with out  stop for 4 months. I called the doctor constantly to tell him something was wrong with my child only to be told "Babies cry. It doesn't mean there is something wrong." Of course when I had finally had enough and took said screaming child to the doctors office so he could share in my joy the doctor found a cure for my babies crying almost immediately. It turns out he needed to take a crap and needed some help with that until he got the hang of it.

I had two moths of peace and then it was time to introduce him to food. He refused to eat baby food. He began the vomiting at will thing early in his career. So when he became allergic to milk it took us a while to figure it out. We thought he just didn't want milk but he kept begging for it. It finally dawned on me that the Milk didn't want him. So we switched to soy which he prefers to this day.

One time we were in the grocery store and he wanted some treat and I told him no and he started having a tantrum. I had become numb to these tantrums due to the 4 months of screaming that I endured at the begining of his life. So I am standing in line with Airborne in the basket. He is screaming like someone is stabbing him with hot pokers and EVERYONE in the store is staring at me. I am horribly embarrassed but I am not giving in and creating a monster. We get up to the check out and Airborne turns in the basket looks straight at the check out girl and projectile vomits all over the groceries, the check out girl the floor and himself. I, for once, am spared. I look at the horrified young woman and say "I have changed my mind. I don't really need any of this." I pick up my vomit covered child who has stopped crying at this point and head for the car to clean him up and go home. I am ashamed to admit that it felt REALLY good to walk away from the vomit and not look back. I did not go back to that store for 5 years.

And that is how we roll.


  1. I can only imagine what a relief it was to not clean it up for a change! Oh my! I will say the school and McD's aren't real chicken like Wendy's strips...unless its the Wendy's nuggets in which case I am baffled!

  2. Isn't parenting lovely sometimes? I never knew I was signing up for half of this crap (no pun intended!)

  3. Sounds like my kiddo. My kid has SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) and Autism, so certain textures will physically make him ill. We did a lot of feeding therapy that helped him move past that. Being a Mama is tough, hang in there!

    I'd take Wendy's over McDonalds anyday!

  4. Andrea it is Wendy's nuggets. I am baffled too.

    Thanks for the shout out Jennifer. Sometimes I feel like I am the "only one".

    Cari- another friend of mine whose child has Autism had that problem with her son as well.

    I really appreciate everyone's comments.

  5. Just had to take a crap, huh? Gurl, you know I feel ya on that one!

    LMAO on the barf at the store! that's totally classic...I love it!


  6. Love the barf at the store! I have to say that is one I've never experienced, and I am so thankful.

    I'm baffled by the nuggets. McDonald's taste a little bit more like real chicken to me. But if it's Wendy's, it's Wendy's.

  7. I know I think Wendy's makes the WORST nuggets but they are the ones he will eat. At least they are cheap.


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