The Coolest Language Arts Teacher in Junior High

Let me start by saying I am not sure when English class became Language Arts but I do know that I do not like the change of name. It seems like we are trying to disguise the fact that English is the dominant language in America but that rant is for another blog. This blog is about how happy I am that the Tech Monkey's English teacher is in the same head space as him. This may sound strange but I know when my kid is in a class where the teacher doesn't get him and I know when the teacher does get him. I can see it in the grades he gets and I can tell when I meet with a teacher in parent teacher conference that the teacher either doesn't get him or just plain doesn't like him. So I have spent this last semester trying to get him moved from his previous teachers class to ANY other teacher. Thanks to an AWESOME vice principle we got my little Tech Monkey into honors classes and @misterwilson's class. When the class syllabus came home looking like the picture left, I knew that my Techie was in the right place.

At the risk of geeking out let me explain what seeing a QR on the syllabus meant to me. It meant that this teacher not only was a techie like my monkey but that he really wanted his students to communicate with. Here is a teacher who gives out his cell phone, Facebook,  Google +, and twitter account. If you can't contact this teacher you aren't trying. In a world that is going digital, I think having a plugged in teacher will serve these kids more than anyone can possibly imagine. The internet is changing the world as profoundly as the printing press did. And this teacher is moving at the speed of progress. He is in the head space of his kids and that makes his impact on them tremendous. As a mom I want my kids to have the best education and to be the best they can be. This guys makes me feel like he is on that path with me.

Now don't get me wrong there are plenty of other great teachers at this school, but this guy has got it going on and I just want to let people know how it is done right. So when you get a syllabus that has a QR on it what do you think?


  1. Well, considering I had to google "QR" to confirm what I thought that might refer to, I guess I wouldn't really know what to think, but can absolutely appreciate how cool it is for those in the know!

    I hate the name language arts because they seem to have taken any actual art out of the course to prepare for THE TESTS! No more poetry (even bad poetry seems like a rite of passage) and speech making!

  2. Oh, it IS called English in this house, I don't care how pretty they try to make the class sound. A holes!

    And yes, I totally get it. I have 2 kids just like your Tech Monkey and this is my new favorite teacher!

  3. Andrea and Sharon, I am so glad you guys agree with me on the whole Language Arts thing. I still call it English too.

    Adrea, don't sweat not knowing what a QR is. They will become ubiquitous in the next couple of years. They make us lazy people happy because we can take a picture and have all the info in our address book without typing. You have to be geeked out to be in the know on this one. Again showing that my little Techie was in the right place.

    Sharon- Boys who are Techies really are "different" too bad so many teachers don't get them.


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