The Time Share Pet.

 I am the first one to admit that when it comes to pets I have become FREAKISHLY lazy. I considered getting a tortoise just because they hibernate. I mean what could be better for the lazy person than a pet who lives in a box in the garage six months out of the year? Agetn daddy and I weren't always lazy. We just got worn out. We had two dachshunds when we first got married. One passed away and the firt one was lonely so then we got another one. Then the first one passed away and we were left with Methuselah I mean Oliver. Oliver was a rescue dachshund that ended up living to the rip old age of 21. Well at least as near as the vet could figure he was between 19-21 years old. IN PEOPLE YEARS!!! This dog would not DIE! So when the dog reached 15 we sat the boys down and told them about how Oliver was getting old, and that he would go to heaven soon like our other dog and that they shouldn't be sad for him because all dogs go to heaven BLAH BLAH BLAH.  And when he passes we will get a fish and call him FINRA. Long Story. Don't ask. The darn dog lived for FIVE more years. So for five years our kids went around the neighbor hood and school telling everyone how our dog was really old and when he died we were getting a fish. I swear I STILL,  have people come up to me and ask if we have gotten a fish yet.

Anyway, Oliver and my grandfather chose the same day to pass way, and the kids start telling people "Oliver and Great Grandpa died and now we can get a fish." It sounds horrible and led to me having to explain the WHOLE long story to virtual strangers in the line at Walmart. And then I didn't get them a fish. Why didn't I get them a fish? Well Agent Daddy and I had a pow wow and decided that we would get the boys some virtual fish on Facebook first to see if they could keep fake fish alive or if they would lose interest in like two weeks. Long story short the boys killed the virtual fish and we DID NOT buy a real one.

Now, I told you all  that story so that I could tell you the story of my Freakishly lazy, time share dog ownership. You see we have this AMAZING yellow lab named Tahoe. But we only have him from 2-3 weeks a year. How is that possible? Well he is really my Aunt and Uncles dog. My Uncle who is retired take the dog EVERYWHERE with him except vacation. The dog cannot be kenneled because he gets separation anxiety, enter our timeshare ownership. Tahoe loves  the boys, they love Tahoe, and once a year my Aunt and Uncle go on vacation and we have a dog. They have trained the dog, they pay his vet bills, and I get to enjoy his soft fur and sweet kisses once a year. It is the PERFECT solution to my lazyness. "Mom can we get a dog?"
"No, Tahoe would be sad if you loved another dog."
See how this works out well for me? About the time that the boys have gotten board of walking, feeding and cleaning up after the dog it is time for the Tahoe to go home. Then time goes by and it is either time for us to go visit Tahoe or for Tahoe to come stay with us again. I am hoping that Tahoe lives to be like 21 too. This way the boys will be in college or living on their own and I will have avoided full time pet ownership for like 13 years.

And that is what I call GENIUS.


  1. Thanks for a great laugh! It reminds me of how my own father dealt with our requests for a pet. He first would have us go to the library and read about the pet. After our research was complete we would make these pilgrimages to every known pet store on Long Island and ask a million questions. Then somehow we always ended up going home without a new pet. You are very, very, brilliant! Great post!

  2. You are a freaking comic genius! Thanks for the laugh,I needed it :)

  3. Love you guys! I am glad you enjoyed it.


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