Who Doesn't Want a little VD in Their lives?

When Agent Daddy and I met we were young and HOT. We fell madly in love and got married and we were still pretty HOT. We did romantic things for Valentines Day. We had romantic getaways. We were a smoking couple. Then we made the mistake that all parents make...we had children. It is unbelievably hard to be HOT when you have had 3 hours of sleep in 3 days. No one wants to be romantic when you have barf on your shirt or baby poo on your pants.  And then comes Valentines Day, or as I like to call it VD. When the kids were first born we still tried to have that romantic dinner. Of course when you have a screaming baby or your boobs are leaking cause its feeding time, the romantic kinda fadesaway. We tried baby sitters and taking the kids with us and then we gave up. Romance is when ever we can escape our children. We don't plan for a specific day, we grab the moments when no one is looking. This past year we celebrated Agent Daddy's Birthday and our Anniversary by attending Agent Daddy's Union conference in Laughlin. Of course Agent Daddy decided to walk into a door the the day we were supposed to leave for our romantic get away so mostly Agent Daddy laid on the bed with an ice pack and I laid by the pool with a martini.

A few years Ago, we had planned to have a romantic VD and Agent Daddy's Father Died two weeks before the date. The last three years we have spent VD with his weeping mother who is still mourning the loss of her husband. A few years before that we were going to get ways for our 15th wedding anniversary and his Father had a stroke. So planning romance is something that Agent Daddy and I have stopped doing. We haven't stopped being romantic we have just stopped trying to PLAN to be romantic. Sometimes romance happens when the kids are in school and Agent Daddy is off work. That is our plan for this VD. Once in a while the kids will go with their friends for the day leaving Agent Daddy and I alone with nothing to do. HA!

So what ever you do to have a little romance in your life remember there will always be a VD next year for you. So don't stress out trying to make this one perfect. Perfect is for when you are old and you look back on your life with rose colored goggles.


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