Because I LOVE You

Why do I flush your toilet when you forgot?
Why do I pick up your dirty socks, wash your clothes, clean the house, go grocery shopping, make dinner?
Why do you have to do chores, clean your room, put your clean clothes away after I washed them?
Why do I call your teachers, go to parent teacher conferences, drive you to your activities and make you go to church on Sunday?
Why do I ask if you washed your hands, brushed your teeth, changed your under wear?
Why did I suffer though swollen ankles, heart burn, and sleepless nights?

I ask my kids these questions all the time. And they always know the answer. I also ask them every day " Have I told you that I love you today?"

Sometimes it is just really important to remember what really is important.

Just saying


  1. Sometimes I wonder if I say "I love you" to my kids so much that they will start to think it doesn't mean as much. But when I say it, I mean it, I feel it, I own it every time. And when they say it out if the blue, like my 5 year old saying "l love you babe" to me last night, there is no greater feeling of satisfaction and appreciation felt which makes it all worthwhile. Well said.

    1. My parents told me they loved me all the time and I always knew they meant it. It never loses its meaning as long as your showing them you love them too!

  2. I was so happy one day when I told my teen son I loved him and he responded "I know". It actually felt as good as when the kids say it back!

  3. Ahh, this is so sweet, really. I think saying I love you is really important, and it never gets old, or loses its value.

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