Chocolate NEVER lies!

It's funny if you ask 100 women if they like chocolate, 95 of them will say yes. If you ask them if chocolate likes them you will get 120 different answers for those same 100 women. We seem to have a love hate relationship with chocolate. I know that biologically chocolate stimulates the same reaction in us that being in love does. I know that at certain times I seem to LOVE chocolate more than at others. But the truth is that chocolate is not something that I should eat all day every day everyday like fruit and veggies. I kind of think that is a cruel joke. Why can't broccoli be as enticing as chocolate?

Chocolate comes is pretty little wrappers. Dove chocolates have wonderful little affirmations written on the inside.  I have to say that this was pure genius on their parts. A man might make you feel all warm and wonderful like chocolate but Chocolate would NEVER lie to you. Chocolate would never cheat on you with your best friend. An now Chocolate can whisper sweet nothings in your ear..or at least at your eyeballs. And now they tell me that Dark Chocolate is actually good for you. SO how come it makes my ass fat and my tummy round? Why can't my wonderful loving Chocolate make me skinny?

A close friend of mine always says " All things in moderation...including moderation." I always took this to meant that he understood about chocolate. How can you LOVE in small measure? How can you only be with your beloved once a week or even, *gasp* dare I say it, only on holidays? My love is not containable. Why can I not love carrots with the same ferocity that I love my chocolate?

Agent Daddy once asked " Why do women love shoes so much?" I told him "Because shoes never tell you you have gained too much weight and I am now not going to zip/snap/button. Shoes an hand bags don't let us down like our favorite jeans can." So wouldn't the world be a wonderful place if we could have all the chocolate our hearts desired and NEVER have to put on the "fat jeans"? Why isn't someone campaigning on that platform? Why are our Universities not trying to solve that problem?

Just saying


  1. Yeah...why can't I love horse radish like I do chocolate? Agent daddy should just accept it's us women and chocolate...forever!


  2. Is it wrong that I lump dark chocolate in with healthy food?

  3. JU SO FONII !!! Chocolate is one of the food of the Gods and I pamper my inner Goddess every chance I get. Besides, it's made from a bean so it must be good for you...


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