Here's Mommy!

So many times I hear new mothers say, “Well, I’d be a fabulous looking mom if I had money and a beauty team like all those celebrity mom’s,”  But fact of the matter is, a lot of those celebrity moms out there, are just like all the other new moms.  They tend to lean towards comfort over fashion forward.  So after consulting my team of fashionisa mothers, I found 3 easy tips on how to make the “I have no time to get ready” outfit into the “I’m just trying to look chic and casual” outfit.

   1.       Now you’ve always heard me say.  Pre plan, pre plan, pre plan.  I’m sure I’ve hammered this point home.  But another great tip is go for comfort!  Nothing worse then a new mother fidgeting with her outfit because she’s trying to manage a two year old while wearing kitty heels and a high waisted skirt.  A loose flowing cotton tank top with some skinny jeans and a wedge or flat is more then enough to do the trick.  Take a look at Jessica Alba!

2.      As a new mother you don’t need a full face of make up, just look how bare Heidi Klum's face is, she has just a touch of blush.  Your main focus should actually be keeping your skin healthy.  Moisturizers, cleansers and enough sleep will keep your face glowing.  I always recommend picking up a container of Kiehl’s Clay Mask.  And enjoy a 15 minute clay mask break.  It does wonder for your pores and skin.  An overnight treatment would also be great too.  This eliminates the stress of having to apply make up in the morning, giving you extra time to do other things that need to get done.

  3.      Last but not least have a “Mommy moment”  whether its treating yourself to an at home mani/pedi or having a 15 minute massage!  If you FEEL  good then you will LOOK good.  Or even just a fun relaxing play date with the kids like Gwenyth Paltrow.

So new mothers, I hope you enjoyed reading this, and remember, Stay Fabulous!


  1. My kids are 11 and 14, so I am not exactly sure what my excuse is! Got any advanced pointers? ;)

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