Logic & Reason

Agent Daddy here...I am pinch-hitting tonight for Mom, because her eyes are redder than a Maine Lobster, and vision is all important when writing a blog to be read. When both boys were younger, logic and reason were missing from their day to day activities. This being the case, if simply telling them what to do or not to do did not work, small forms of corporal punishment were the order of the day; the quick slapping of the hand; the occasional wallop on the behind in varying degrees, and my favorite, the VULCAN Neck Pinch. This did not cause a loss of consciousness, but had the same effect of stopping them in their tracks. This I learned in the police academy. It is more commonly known as "pain compliance." As they got older, I made a conscious and systematic effort to go away from corporal punishment and attempted to appeal to their logic & reason, which I hoped would help stimulate their cognitive skills. I attempted to point out the absurdity of their question in another question form, or to simply point out the obvious absurdity based upon their life experience to date,such as:

"When is it a good idea ever to strangle your brother?"
"Does flushing the toilet require a manual?"

"NO, we can't go Australian Style Fishing" (Hand-grenades in the water and a net in lieu of a fishing pole), They are NEVER allowed to watch Crocodile Dundee again.
"NO, daddy just can't arrest people because of their political affiliation"
"When is wearing the same underwear for three days in row, ever a good idea?"
"Yes, people like you better when you bathe everyday and NO, swimming does not equal bathing"

And my personal catch all...."REALLY GUYS?" This applies to anything and everything.You get the gist. But now, since logic & reason are slowly creeping into their little boy brains, occasionally they turn the tide on you.

"Dad, why do we wash the dishes, before we put them into the dishwasher?"
"Mom, why can't I wear my school clothes to bed, I will get ready faster in the morning like you want?"
"If, soda is so bad for you, why do still drink Diet Pepsi?"
"Why do you get a doughnut at night and I cant?"
"Technically Dad, I can't walk slower than a snail, because snails have no legs"
"Why does the government spend money they don't have, we can't?"

I don't know whether to be troubled, because now I actually have to defend my actions or state my reasons and it forces me to be ever vigilant.  Even though I may want to crawl into bed a sleep all day at that moment. Or whether to be proud, because they see a situation or set of facts and they try to think it through to a logical conclusion or solution, or see the absurdity of it. All I can say, I am glad I have boys and not girls. The thought for the day. "Be careful what you ask for, it may be used against you."  

Agent Daddy



  1. Amen! Everything I ask for is used against me...

  2. Agent Daddy!!!!! The vulcan thing is soooo my favorite and here's hoping mama gets well soon!

    Ya know...with 5 sons, "C'mon guys" is received very well over here :)


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