Vegatables are GOOD for you? WHO KNEW?

Like most of you out there I am always trying to be healthier. I exercise, try to eat right and lose weight. I also am addicted to documentaries on Netflix. Seriously it is almost an obsession. So watching a documentary called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead was right up my alley. The basis of this documntary is tha tthis guy is overweight, sick and tired of being overweight and sick. He realizes that the human body has the power, given the right tools, to heal it self. So with his doctors blessing he decides to drink only fresh veggie and fruit juices for 60 days. Yep that is right, TWO WHOLE months. The documentary follows him around during this time and guess what? He loses weight and gets off his medications. CRAZY right? My first thought was don't you need to eat actual food? But according to this not really. Veggies
are actually good for you. And I mean raw veggies. Baked Potato, French fries, and collard greens ( Southern style) don't count. Of course I can't really believe that this could be good for you so I look up another documentary on my pal Netflix.

This one is called Food Matters.This has a bunch of Nutritionists,Doctors, scientists, and medical journalists talking about how sick people are today and how so many people in America are obese. Guess what? These guys think you can eat veggies and get well and lose weight too. They recommend raw foods. So if you have to chew, you can but again they say that our bodies are sick because we don't eat enough veggies. How much is enough? The numbers thrown around are if you are sick and overweight, 80% of your diet should be raw veggies. If you are healthy 51% or more. Now I don't know about you, but I would say that I eat ALOT of veggies and I don't even come close to the 51%.

So as crazy as this sounds, I am going to try to increase the veggie intake in my family. I as always will start with me. There may be revolt and rebellion in the ARMY but I have been weaning them off processed foods for a few years now. Lets see how well we do eating veggies.

What about you guys? How much veg does your family eat as a percentage of the total intake? How healthy are you? I would say that I am not healthy. I have only one kidney and have other problems as well. Now I know I won't grow another kidney, but if I could make the one I have the happiest healthiest kidney in the world that would be good. Right?


  1. Those diets don't always mention that one should plan on some extra bathroom time with the increase in veggies. I like to think we eat a lot of fruit and veggies, but realize it is nowhere near the recommended...we are living by an outdated pyramid I fear!

  2. I am allergic to fruit, and just have a sensitive belly that I got from my Mom and her Mom etc. I tend to eat a small piece of meat, and now I add yogurt sauce. Live active yogurt is the best for your colon, and it does make my belly feel better. I tend to eat a lot of veggies, because I don't eat fruit, but to accomplish the recommendations, you would have to be grazing on veggies all day I think. That doesn't work for me, and then they become a chore, right?

    You can't win! So glad there is another Clint Eastwood die hard out there!;)

  3. Oh my goodness! So glad you posted about this! I have seen both documentaries last year and loved them. I tried to talk to my in-laws about it (they both look 9 months pregnant), and it really hasn't changed them much. I know it is difficult to change lifestyle but there are a million things worth living for and I just wish people would listen up! Everyone loves to eat good bad food but there needs to be some self control! I buy only fresh produce for snacks and in our daily meals. My husband and I also buy lots of fruits since my little daughter is a little fruit monkey!

  4. Mommy LaDy Club, When you juice a veggie you can eat a ton more with out seeming to. 3 carrots two stalks of celery and a large tomato equals one 8 oz glass of juice. Do that a couple times a day and my 4 oz chicken breast and rice for dinner are outweighed by 75%.

    1Toote Foodie- I also leave out veggies after school for snacks. The kids can have as much as they want. If they are too full to eat dinner that is ok. But sometimes if I don't juice I am way under the 51% mark. Glad someone else has seen these movies. I am watching forks over knives now.

  5. Oh I feel guilty. Fine, fine...more veggies. I know better.

    Guess I should get some toilet paper too, cuz I'll be BUSY!!!!

  6. Don't waste your time with toilet paper, just run the garden hose through your bathroom window.

  7. Yay!! I love this post!! I too have been trying to get us off of the processed foods. I'm almost 100%, but I will eat the occasional turkey sandwich here and there. Shame on me because my excuse is that it's easier. You won't ever see us at a fast food restaurant. I incorporate veggies into everything and the kids are obsessed with fruit. Eating the 51% will be a challenge, but I'm going to try! Thanks Mamalicious! :) xo

  8. I totally agree, and I try to eat at least 50% of veggies/fruit throughout the day, but the tough part comes when trying to get my kids to each that much. They see just the opposite all around them, including TV commercials, and it's really tough to make them not only understand and agree, but also to put it into practice, when they feel like they are the "only ones". But it's so important, as later on in life they will feel the negative repercussions of bad eating. Great post!
    new follower!

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