Flying and Time Travel

The boys often ask me " Mom, if you could have any super power what would you choose?"I usually answer quickly with "Flying." I have always wished I could fly. I thought Wendy in "Peter Pan" was so lucky to fly over London. Tinker Bell, Fairies and even Superman all seemed to have mastered the art of Flying. I admit I am still pretty jealous.I still even have dreams where I can fly. In my dreams flying is alot like swimming. I push off from the ground after getting a running start and then just move my arms and legs like I would if I was swimming. Of course my blood thirsty offspring are confused by my desire to fly. They want cool super powers like shooting lighting bolts out of their fingers and fire from their eyes.they want to blow up their brother, the too slow driver in front of us or the guy on TV. I am not sure why they want to blow that guy up but I am pretty sure it would scare me if I knew, so I don't ask.

Lately though I have come to the conclusion that time travel is at least equally as desirable as flying. Airborne is the first one to illuminate some of the great things I could do If I could time travel. These include in no  particular order, going back in time to buy winning lottery tickets, going back in time to get ready for school on time so we were not late and didn't forget his lunch (AGAIN), buying gold at $1.00 an ounce and selling at today's price, and my favorite, going back in time tho when he remembers having his ipod so he can just take it to the present instead of having to look for it. I am starting to believe that he already has a super power..laziness. Really who would waste a time machine on finding their stuff? I would be going back in time to find out who REALLY killed Kennedy, what REALLY happened to the "weather balloon" at Roswell, and probably going back to buy gold at a $1.00 an ounce. Well he had at least one good idea. Now if I could just get him to do his homework in this timeline...


  1. It has been ,y experience lately that my kids have no concept of gimme. Like taking 10 minutes out of their Saturday 7 hours of no productivity whatsoever to practice ainstrument would not be noticeable at the end of the day! Good luck to you! At least Wendy assures us that tights are not vital to flight...phew!

  2. Oh...I would sooooo buy gold! I would also be a can can girl for a month, warn Guinevere to stay away from Lancelot, move in next door to the Wright brothers and be there for the signing of the Constitution!

    Then I might just be the secretary for each and every president we've ever had. And tweek a document or two to suit me better!

  3. Andrea- I am with you on the tights thing.
    Sharon- Maybe we can both fit in the time machine. We can play all day and be home in "time" to fix dinner and break up the fist fights. :)

  4. Let's all go back in time and win the $640 Mil from last week's mega millions!

  5. Great idea Ashleigh! lets see win the $640 mil in todays dollars go back and buy gold for $1 hmmm this could work.

  6. I too have the flying recurring dream! If I could time travel, I'd go back in time and find a way to meet my life love a decade earlier so I could have married him at 24 instead of 34! :)

  7. I definitely think buying the gold at $1.00 an ounce would be a good idea, or maybe Google stock.

  8. Oh yeah Google and Micro Soft and Apple!

  9. Shannon, I don't know about you but I would not have appreciated my hubby if I had met him 10 years earlier, and I certainly wasn't worthy of him then either. But it would be fun to go back to those heady days when were first falling in love. :)

  10. Honestly, I think I would still choose the flying. I think I would live more in the past than in the present trying to fix all my mistakes. I would never be able to catch up and thus putting me further behind in the present. :)

  11. These two are hard to choose between! If I could time travel, I'd want to relive some things (like most of college), but knowing what I know now. It would be a totally different experience!

  12. I too have dreams that I'm flying but they're always unpleasant since it's an alien concept. On a side note, if we could really fly, we'd bump into each other often unless there were some "traffic flow" created to prevent unwanted crashes (sorry totally off-topic haha)

  13. I always dream that I am flying too. Sometimes with total control, and sometimes without. I read somewhere that dreams of flying are actually about sex?? So I guess we are all just a bunch of naughty girls here;) I would choose immortality as a power though, any day.

  14. Hey! Why so quiet and no new posts? :(

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