Okay I Admit IT....

I am CHEAP. No, not frugal, cheap. I get great joy out of getting something for free or on sale with a coupon. I used to lie to my self and tell my self that I was frugal but recently I realized that I need to embrace my cheapness and proudly proclaim it to the world.

I won't buy anything for my self unless it is on sale or I have a coupon. Last week I got really excited because Target had shirts on sale for $6.00 and I had a $3 off coupon on the same shirt. I could only print two coupons on my computer so I enlisted my girlfriend Gary, to print off two on his computer so I was able to get 4 shirts for $12.00. But I did not stop there...NOOOO. I also brought my own bag thus getting the beloved 5 cents off as well. Then I proudly waved the receipt under Agent Daddy's nose when he got home. Because frugal is happy saving money. I need recognition for my savings there for I am CHEAP. And now I am CHEAP LOUD and PROUD.

I get three newspapers every Sunday, NOT to read, but for the inserts. I prowl the internet wed sites like Coupon Clipping Daddy, Budget Savy Diva, Raining Hot Coupons and Debt Free Spending to make sure I am not missing out on any freebies. I carry my coupon binder in the car with me everywhere, "Just in case". Who ever heard of a coupon EMERGENCY? But my cheapness has led me to carry the coupon binder instead of the first aid kit in the car.

I think that if Agent Daddy wasn't frugal himself he might have staged a coupon intervention by now. I haven't reached the level of Extreme couponer yet but that just might be part of my bright future, I have braces for the Tech Monkey coming up and I have yet to find a coupon for them.


  1. I LOVE coupons! Now, if I could only remember to take them with me to the store.....

    Warmest regards,

  2. I like getting things at a discount too, and I love the show Extreme Couponing!

  3. I love coupons too but I can never remember to carry them with me. How sad! so when I "need" something, i get so mad because I know I had a coupon at home for it.

  4. Sounds like a great deal at target. :) I haven't gotten into coupons much. I use a few at our local grocery store, as they give "Free" stuff ones. Like free eggs, free lettuce. Who could pass that up? :) Free is ALWAYS good. ;)

  5. True story. I bought a new pair of jeans at Old Navy a couple of weeks ago for me for $1.91! SCORE!

  6. Coupon for braces!? LOL!! I wish I was more frugal. I am trying to do better. I will diligently cut coupons for things out of the Sunday paper then I forget to use them. I have a coupon organizer but I don't know where it is. It was cute too. Yesterday I did get a piece of cheesecake a Barnes & Noble for $1. We had to buy two drinks though. :-O

  7. Keeping the coopn binder in the car helps me avoid coupon emergencies like knowing I have the coupon at home. My boys always say "Mom don't forget your coupons!" when we go into a store because they know I will be sending them out to the car to retrieve them if they don't.
    Free is best!I get so excited about free!

    Shannon- $1.91?! Total SCORE!

  8. From what you describe above, I am cheap too!! Many years ago, being cheap was not something to brag about, But I think it is something to be proud of it today's tough times.

    Stopping by from VoiceBoks! Thanks for visitng my blog!

  9. I love this! I have been shopping with my coupon binder in tow for a year now. It really has changed the way we live and allows us to splurge from time to time.

  10. I really need to enlist the help of a coupon binder. Anyone know where I can get one for free? I am home on maternity leave right now, and I have become super conscious about where our money is being spent. My husband is the king of getting deals in our family, so I am learning from him :-) we aren't able to 'extreme coupon' here in Canada like our American friends, which is too bad! I would probably be hooked!

  11. I am with you...I do not bring home anything for myself that isn't on sale or I do not have a coupon for. Here's to being cheap! ;)

  12. Cheap? No Darling, just creative... stopping by because I haven't in awhile and wanted to let you know that you're FAB Darling... xoxo

  13. Nah, you're cheap & a really good liar! LOL...ha ha, you're freaking amazing and I am still a coupon lover myself, thank you very much!

  14. Oh yes, I wish there was a coupon for braces :)
    We should all start living the frugalista life. Times are hard, we have to take the bull by the horns.
    Just keep at it. You're doing a good job with your frugal ways ;)

  15. I use my Target card and save an additional 5%. You could have saved 60 cents more on those shirts ;-)

  16. I Know! My girlfriend was just telling me about how I can link it to my debit card. WOO HOO!


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