He's Leaving'...On the Midnight Train to Georgia

Well actually he is taking a plane to Washington DC and several points of interest on the East Coast. He has been East before with the family but never on a commercial jet with out Agent Daddy or I. He left me once before. That time by bus. Two years ago he left me for 5 days. He said it was the greatest experience of his life, I lasted 15 hours before I emailed his teacher and begged for proof of life.

You see the tech Monkey is growing up. In 6th grade he went off to science camp. Five whole days with no parents only teachers and nature. When he got home he told me that they "made" them take showers everyday but he fooled them. He told me he didn't change his underwear once. I was so proud. He also ate like a ravenous wolf (nature walks can make you really hungry), and learned what it is like to share a room with six other guys.

Now he is in 8th grade and he wants to fly across the country without me for 8 whole days. Is this an AMAZING opportunity to experience our nation as he has never done before? Absolutely. Will my heart break any less because of that? No. The teacher who is running this circus amazing educational opportunity, swears he will make them call home several times during the trip. I hope I can force Techie to bring his phone. Maybe I could hide it in the suitcase when he is not looking. Techie is not leaving until May but I am already sad. Sad that he is becoming the independent young man that Agent Daddy and I have striven to mold him into. Sad that he doesn't need his mommy as much any more. And sad that I don't get to go with him because this looks like an awesome trip.

Agent Daddy says that he needs this trip to prep him for High School and going away to college. Thanks Agent Daddy. I could have gone another few months with out being reminded that I have a kid that is almost in High School, but you had to bring it up didn't you? Thank you Jesus that I don't have a girl. I think one Diva at this rodeo is enough.

I guess the silver lining on all this  is that I know he can pack light. He has no need to pack clean underwear since last time he was away he didn't use any. PRAY FOR ME


  1. Awww! I'm sure he'll have a total blast and you'll survive it! Of course, that's coming from the mom who couldn't stand the thought of sending my daughter to a camp for 4 days that's 30 miles away lol!

    Thanks for linking up with the GtKY hop!

  2. It is crazy right? You know the whole time you are raising them that they will leave you yet the second you have a chance to prove you did a good job, you think " NO Wait! I don't want them to go away."

  3. Doesn't it suck when you do a good job at something? You set out to make him independent and now he is! LOL We always want what's best for our kids in spite of what it does to us emotionally...I guess that's the sign of being a good parent. :) Good luck with the trip this May! I'm sure he'll be great and you'll done fine too! ;)

    P.S. Thanks for linking up to the GtKY blog hop! :)

  4. It does SUCK. But also makes me feel proud of him and myself.


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