Say WHAT?!

Confession time. I am getting old. How do I know this? My body is betraying me. First I needed glasses. Then the night sweats began. I really thought I was coming down with a cold. I would wake up covered in sweat like I just broke a fever. Only I felt fine and it kept happening. Then I over heard a couple of older ladies talking about the night sweats and I realized that they are not that much older than I. Oh my goodness that is what is happening! I am having night sweats. This is what you get before you get hot flashes. Which by the way I have now started getting. Hot Flashes are when your body feels like it is on fire. Like it is 100 degress F outside and you are standing in the sun HOT. In the midst of a hot flash you could walk into a freezer set at 10 degrees F below zero and still feel hot. Then the hormones get all messed up like when you were pregnant and everything made you cry? Well welcome back to the hormone roller coaster.

So tonight we are sitting at dinner, having a normal conversation and I burst into tears. Why? How should I know? I was as surprised as the manboys and Agent Daddy that I was crying. So Agent Daddy asks what is wrong and I tell him "I don't know I just felt sad all of the sudden and started to cry. It's kind of like when I was pregnant and I just had no control."
The Tech monkey asks in horror " Are you PREGNANT?"
Agent Daddy asks  in a hushed voice "Are you pregnant?"
I tell him " NO! I am only having sex with you and you are fixed. I think it is hormones from peri menopause."
As Agent Daddy silently contemplates this statement Techie pipes in "Well you have been buying a lot of menopause equipment lately." He was with me when I bought some tampons and Pads.

He says "Remember you bought some vagina patches last week." I just busted up. Tears were gone, Agent Daddy turns to me and says " You were looking for something to write about for the blog?"


  1. Oh, vagina patches...ha ha ha ha ha! I thought I was having fevers only at night as well...phew, glad that wasn't just me on a slight delay with figuring it out (or being in denial)--I won't miss it when its gone, and am not much for the long good-bye!

  2. What?! You mean this is what's coming next? Child birth pains and toilet training issues aren't enough, now I have to worry about night sweats coming on in the next year or two?

    Screw that...I'm buying some vagina patches!

    Oh, and if you need blog material just tell Agent daddy you really are pregnant.

    I'd totally read that!

  3. Andrea-glad I cleared that up for you. lol
    Sharon-I have a coupon for the vagina patches if you need it. And if I told Agent Daddy that I was preggers you would hear the scream all the way in AZ. So no need for you to read about it. Maybe I will write a fictional story of what it woyuld be like if I got pregnant again at 45. That would be pure comedy.

  4. Vagina patches is classic! Menopause on the other hand not-so-much. Nobody likes raging hormones and hot flashes; though I'm sure it'll make for some great blog posts. LOL

    P.S. Thanks for linking up to the GtKY Blog Hop! :)


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