Day One of the 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Woo Hoo! I received my 90 day supply of the 30 day diet. Today is day one and the directions are take 2  capsules 30 minutes before breakfast. They suggest a 800-1200 calorie per day diet that includes lean meat, dairy (not prohibited but cautioned to use as little possible) , two cups of vegetables, 5 piece of melba toast , grissini, or up to 5 slices of bran bread, and 100 calories of fruit. NO sugar, aspartame, or splenda. Only stevia and sweet and low are allowed. Gum with xylitol is allowed gum with aspartame is not. AND lots of WATER. That is it. No weird foods. I am a huge water drinker so I think that will be easy. I already avoid processed foods and aspartame so I am ahead of the curve there.  I eat home cooked food more than restaurant food. But we do go out to eat about once a week. I am curious to see how I do with that.

The pills also come with a booklet that helps you keep track of your measurements and your food intake. I like the chart it uses. Not a calorie counter but 2 servings of 3.5 oz of lean meat a day etc.

This video was made at the end of the first day to show how I feel and look at the beginning of this challenge. During the challenge I will be turning 45. If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that I am already starting peri menopause.  I am hormonal, have night sweats,  I am experiencing bloating and I have less energy than I used to.


  1. I can really feel your excitement about 90 day, good luck on your diet. I know will be succeeded.


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