And the fun NEVER Ends...

I recently came down with shingles. Shingles is like chicken pox for old people. You get shingles if you had chickenpox as a child and you have the misfortune of getting old and or having a stressful life. I am old AND have a stressful life. The out come of having shingles is that your skin BURNS and itches at the same time and ( in my case) the muscle under neath the shingles feels like you were in a car accident. The doctor, when I went to find out what this funky a$$ rash on my shoulder was,  happily told me I had Herpes Zoster. HERPES?! I have been having sex with the same man for 20 odd years. Seeing my perplexed look she explained that Herpes Zoster is also know as shingles. PHEW! I knew telling Agent Daddy that I had herpes was not a thing I wanted to have to do.

After my doctor explained that I had shingles she prescribed an anti viral medication and some hard core pain killers. The result of which is that agent daddy took some time off and I took a trip with out leaving the farm. Mostly I laid in bed and watched TV. I am amazed by the crap on TV most of the time. Some times I am entertained by the crap on TV. Like the HO HO's of the CHI CHI PAW, Jersey Whore and such. I refer to these type shows as anthropological studies.

Then there are the treasure shows.  Auction Hunters, Storage Wars, and Pawn Stars. these show are cool because you are always seeing stuff they find that you threw out 20 years ago. Now all that crap is valuable! Who Knew? So I am watching some show where they are showing all these cool interactive toys from the 1980's like rubik's cube and Furby's, and I am thinking "Wow, I totally missed out on all the cool toys cause  I was in High School/College by then."  So then my drugged out mind begins to wander and I try to remember what toys I did have back in the dark ages called the 1970's. I remember my Aunt and Uncle buying my Brother and I PONG for the home TV one year. We were the COOLEST kids in the neighborhood. We played PONG for hours. then there was, of course,  Barbie and her three story Dream House. Before my parents couls afford the dream house my mom took a cardboard box, cut windows and doors in to the sides. Made drapes and furniture and that was Barbies house. It did not have an elevator but at lease the drapes were not drawn on the walls like the Dream House. My moms house was probably way better, but in the way of children I so wanted that Dream house. Then I remember Simon. Simon was a game where the toy beeped out a pattern and you had to copy it. the patterns got longer and faster the longer you played. We would spend whole days playing that thing. then I realized that my kids do that with a big toy called the computer. Whole days are lost in that thing, playing Gary's mod or Mine Craft or what ever else crazy game they are into this week.

So now these old toys are big business. People my age and older want to buy the toys they either loved or wanted when they were kids. My father in law bought my boys the trains he wanted so badly as a child. I bought the dolls I wanted as a young adult. What will my kids buy as adults to satify that same urge to return to the fun of their youth? Will all these "old" games for xbox, DS and playstation all be new again in 20 years? Should I save them all and pawn them to pay for an awesome trip for Agent Daddy and I when the kids are all gone? I contemplated this and many other mysteries of the universe while I lay in bed. I have decided to become a hoarder and hope for the best.


  1. I bet your dream house was awesome! I had a knockoff of Simon, and one of those crazy coleco electronic football games with a moving red line for the guy. Funny how much that stuff held our attention...easy to please.


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