Are YOU Proud?

Bullying has become such a problem in our world. And bullying via social media is out of control. Bullies are almost always cowards who look for people that they perceive to be weaker than themselves. Social Media has allowed us to be detached from the responsibility of our words.

We parents know how devastating this problem is. We watch helpless as our beloved child disappears inside themselves...or take their lives. Well this amazing young lady was so moved by the double suicide of these sisters after being bullied that she wrote a  song.  She is donating all the proceeds form the sale of this song to and anti bullying program.

"Following the suicides of the Gallagher sisters Chloe Wilders wrote this song about the heartbreak of bullying. All proceeds from the sale of the mp3 and video go to the anti-bullying program of
You can purchase the video and mp3 at http://www.srirecords.comand soon at iTunes, Amazon and all other digital outlets.

In Memory of Erin And Shannon Gallagher." SRI Records.

Please watch the video. You don't have to do anything but watch and share. Please lets STOP the madness.

For information on the Gallagher Sisters Tragedy please go here.


  1. That is a beautiful song. It is such a shame that this is becoming more and more common. (I may ruffle some feathers here) As a parent I think it is our job to know what is going on in our children's lives. My son was bullied for several years. I had gone around and around with the school. I finally pulled him out and put him in on-line school. I did what I needed to do to protect him and to nurturer his self esteem. I think parents need to monitor technology as there is so much cyber bullying going on now. Teach your children not to give out all of their phone numbers etc. If something is going on and you get no resolution REMOVE your child from the situation. There was an incident here at the beginning of the school year where a teenage boy was being bullied so bad a group of kids followed him home and terrorized him. He killed himself while they were pounding on the doors outside his house. The really sad thing is his parents were aware he was being bullied but didn't think it was that bad. There are more options out there than people think. It is also not always children that are being the bully. My son was being severely bullied from the Assistant Principle. I myself have been bullied by teachers. What do you do in that case? It is a difficult call but I say you have to do everything you can to protect your kids.

    1. Thank you Melinda for this Comment. My son was bullied by two teachers as well. It was AWFUL. I too pulled him from school. The damage had been done but he is thriving now. He later told me he would have rather they hit him because the hitting ends the words stay forever.

  2. Chloe was bullied as well. Her parents took her out of school and home schooled her for the balance of he high school education, She is now in college. She knows all about being bullied. We hope the song will wake people up to the problem. Sales of the song and video go to the school anti-bullying education program.

    We deeply appreciate the Army of Moms spreading the word.

    1. Thank you Shelly for enabling us to be part of a solution.

  3. My brothers and I were bullied a lot in grade school until I was in 6th grade. It's a struggle and with today's world, with everything on line...I don't know how people get thru this without real struggle.

    Great video :)

    1. The problem is out of control. Thanks for watching the video.

  4. A double suicide? Wow! That is heartbreaking. Bullying Must Stop Now! Thanks for sharing and shedding more light on this serious issue.

    1. Thanks LaVonne. I can't imagine the heartbreak of those two girls parents. Losing both of their girls due to bullying.

  5. I only have a toddler now and am already fearing this. Nobody should have to go through something like this! Especially not the ones we love most!

    1. lexie, it is hard to believe that someone could be so creul but it does happen and it does have consequences.

  6. Bullying has been around for a long time. I remember a guy named Frank in 6th grade...we were scared of him. My son grows up, but bullying wasn't a problem. Now we have Brody, our grandson. Hoping none of that happens to him or even around him. I'm going to be at his school everyday!!!! Sorry for everyone's troubles with bullying. I hope and pray schools do more about it.

    1. Parents need to teach their children kindness and empathy. It is hard for the schools to stop the behavior when it is modeled at home.

  7. Beautiful song--and I LOVE her voice. Definitely sharing and supporting this. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Corrine! Chloe does have an amazing voice. and such a good heart.


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