Sometimes I Just Shake My Head...

When I was growing up, now admittedly this was a LOOOONG time ago, nice girls did not flash their genitalia, photograph their genitalia, or post pictures of their half naked bodies where everyone could see. In fact if you were not a virgin in High School you lied and said you were. Men treated ladies well because they had to. If they wanted any chance of getting a kiss or to second base you took a girl to dinner, bought her flowers and were polite to her parents. Men picked women up, paid for dinner and brought them home all without expecting to "get lucky" on the first date. I was talking to one of my  divorced friends and she told me that guys have a three date standard now. If you do not get jiggy with them by the third date there will not be a fourth. Are you KIDDING ME?! Why would a grown woman put up with that? I would be all NEXT! Because there is no way I would lick a public toilet and there is no way I would have sex with someone who has sex with people they have known less than a month. YUCK! Do they not know all the germs and diseases they could be catching and spreading?

Today, girls date guys just out of prison who have 5 kids by 5 other women. None of whom they are supporting. They "Hook up", get it in and then brag about how slutty they are behaving. But God forbid they be called a slut!That is just reprehensible. Girls, and I do mean minors, are texting pictures of their HOO HAAS to boys and then getting all upset when the picture is all over school, the internet, and Facebook. The, now, woman from teen mom makes a sex tape and her DAD goes in and helps negotiate the deal? Have they lost their ever loving minds?! You would think being knocked up at sixteen would be shameful enough but no lets get on TV and then when that plays out lets make a sex tape. Now don't freak out on me, I think that MTV's teen mom did a lot of good as a cautionary tale for other teens. I am just not sure that it was helpful for the teen moms. Or that the teen moms learned anything about not being promiscuous. I am just saying.

If you read me regularly you will know that I am not a prude. But I do feel sad for these girls who so devalue themselves as to think that being a slut is the only way to be popular. I just want to yell "STOP IT! You are ruining your life!" Not to mention that poor baby that is growing up and having to deal with everyone at school talking about mommy's sex tape. And you know they will find out and they will talk. The teachers will talk, the kids will talk, and the parents will talk. And none of it will be nice.

I just shake my head


  1. I agree with you. I feel we're breeding a society of males and females that believe this behavior is unacceptable. All I can do is try my best to teach my own kids that this is not OK.

  2. Thanks for being one of the last hold outs. You teach yours and I will teach mine and hopefully a few others that haven't lost their minds will teach theirs and someday we will be in the Majority again. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Replies
    1. I am glad that I am not the last person in America with values. Thanks Susan!

  4. I think it's disgusting, especially that the Dad supports it.. This is down-right creepy... I hope social services will step in and will give the poor girl a shot at a nice, loving home, soon!

    1. Stephanie, I thought so too. If I had made a sex tape my dad wouldn't have been saying he "supported " his daughter. Hell if I made one now at 45 years old he would be reading me the riot act.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. No, you're not the last person in America with values... there are more of us out here! Somehow, though, our voice of reason is drowned out by the roar of the drama and sensationalism.

    My daughter went to see her cousin over the weekend. She called me very upset because this 12 year old girl has turned into a "slut" and all she wanted to talk about was boys, sexual activity, boys, and what she should wear to get more attention. My daughter was shocked, disgusted, and saddened.



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