THOSE People....

Well summer is coming on weather is hot and my air conditioner in the car is broken. The shop want $650 that I don't have to fix it so I am riving around in the heat with the windows down. This shouldn't be a problem except that I like to play music when I drive.

I pull up at the Jr High to get Tech Monkey, I've  got the windows rolled down and the tunes on and I am feeling kinda old school. Remembering the 70's when no one I knew had air conditioning. We would drive all over town
with the windows down ant the radio blaring. So I pull up and Techie jumps into the car and say "MOM! Turn down the music."
"Why I like this song?" I answer and then continue belting out the words of the song.
Techie turns the radio down and says "Mom you have the windows down and the music blaring. We are not THOSE  people."
"Those people?" I asked turning the radio back up.
"Those people." He says turning it back down. At this point I feel like I am 16 fighting with my mom over the radio except she wanted it off and I wanted it on loud or at least on. How did I raise a child who doesn't want to be THOSE people? I have told him before that he didn't want to be THAT  guy. But THOSE people sounds so pompous. How did I end up with THAT kid?


  1. 70's music just isn't 'hip'

    1. Apparently. But I don't care I was feeling so cool. That just doesn't happen that often when you are over ... well lets just say I am not in my 20's anymore.:)

  2. Next time tell him, "If it's too loud, you're too old!" Then, turn it up a little and drive off. It'll build his character and give him a great opportunity to practice his eye rolling.

    1. Gina you ROCK! I am totally gong to do that. LOL

  3. Is it possible he meant that he didn't want to be one of those "inconsiderate" people who don't care if other people don't want to hear their music blaring at a stoplight? I applaud your confidence and joie de vivre, but I have to admit that I get a little irritated when I can't converse with my passenger because the person in the car next to me is blasting their music with their windows rolled down.

    1. It could be. I may be that inconsiderate person. I don't know cause I can't hear with the music so loud.

  4. Hey! I'm one of "those" people too, and we freaking ROCK! As for the money for your air conditioner, WTH?! It's a car, not an AC for the house, sheesh! We gotta find you a coupon or sumpthin'!

    1. I know I gave the guy the sad face and EVERYTHING. he just said look lady do you want me to fix it or not?

  5. I go through that with my son when I am listening to my favorite music. I am not ashamed I blare my music some times and he will turn it down.

    1. Mine totally turns the music down. I tell him "Look if I have to drive you to school I gotta have something tog et the blood flowing."

  6. Well, you can be those people if you'd like ;) Kids! What's a parent to do? Ha!

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    1. Thanks LaVonne! I know What was I thinking?

  7. Ouch. Those people. I am so sorry. Last summer my fiance and I were driving down the street, windows rolled down, and music blaring from the stereo. Because I'm a '90s kid that loves all the really campy '90s music, I put Ace of Base on the radio and turned it up all the way. We stopped at a red light and a guy pulled up beside us, looked over at my fiance, and flashed the metal horns at him with his hand, making a hardcore metal face. It was absolutely hilarious!


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