Tuesdays Tantrum- Making the Bed

When Agent Daddy and I got married one of the first "difficulties" we had as a newly wed couple was when to make the bed. Agent Daddy has always had to be at work before me, and was quite exasperated to find that I did not make the bed in the morning. He said, "Honey, you are the last one out of bed so can you please make the bed so I can go to sleep in a freshly made bed?" He likes things neat and tidy and in their place. He doesn't necessarily like to to put things away... but he likes them neat and tidy. Asking me to make the bed seemed like a perfectly reasonable request to him. My response to his request? "Look I am not sure when I get up if I am read to commit to
being up for the whole day...in fact at what point are you no longer going back to bed but just going to bed earily?" Commitment has always been a issue for me.

 I am NEVER sure that I want to commit to something right away, well except maybe for shoes. I commit to shoes and the buying there of quite easily. But anything else? Should I get up today, Hair color, favorite color, favorite food...not so much. Even Agent Daddy was the third person I had actually gotten engaged to. My own brother didn't believe I would actually get married until he was trying on tuxedo's for the wedding. He remarked to Agent Daddy  "Wow she is really going to marry you." Agent Daddy's response? "Well I hope so we already paid for the wedding." So my commitment issues should not have been a surprise for him. But not being able to commit to being present for the day was beyond his ability to comprehend. He kept asking exactly what needed to happen to send me back to bed for a "do over". The truth is...almost anything back then. Bad hair, broken heel, life... all of them made me long for the comfort of just waking up and being all snugly in bed.

Finally we arrived at a compromise. Going to bed before dinner constituted going back to bed and anything after dinner was going to bed early. I would cook dinner and he would  make the bed when he got home from work....assuming I hadn't gone back to bed to "do over" the day. Its hard to make a bed when someone is still in it.

So now I know you are wondering "Does she make the kids make their beds?" Nope. On Saturdays when they clean their rooms and change their sheets the beds are made. Other than that I never mention it. The Tech Monkey, who is all Agent Daddy, keeps his room clean at all times and makes his bed every afternoon. I think that he thinks you make the be so you can get in it. Another year of therapy for him. Airborne, who is all me, makes his bed when he changes his sheets, and goes back to bed for do overs often. Someday someone will question why he gets a do over and he will discover just how crazy his mom really was. But until then he thinks that going to bed for 15-20 after a bad day is totally normal.


  1. Haha! Love it! Our beds are only made when we have guests over and they might be shown around ;)

  2. I LOVE it! So I'm not the only one. I am going to celebrate my unmade bed right now.

  3. Can you commit to at least washing the sheet occasionally? And make the kids beds? WTH for????


    1. Oh changing the sheets is something I am OCD about. No one wants to smell sweaty dirty sheets. We change the sheets weekly. Which is when we make the bed. LOL. I do not make my own bed why owuld I make my children's beds? I am not that CRAZY! Thanks Sharon for dropping by

  4. I LOVE fresh sheets and a freshly made bed. But I had to laugh at your logic about going back to bed and starting over!

  5. Going back to bed for a do-over... that's brilliant! Believe it or not, I have never tried that!

    1. It is the BEST! Some days it just has to be done..over. I give you permission to try it this week.

  6. Our bed isn't make unless we are having guests or we have just changed the bed.

    1. I make it for company and when we change the sheets. Agent Daddy makes it every night. Its funny how different we are.

  7. I am a total bed maker. My son makes his too. It is just what I do. I love getting in a bed where everything is straight and in order. I can't stand having things in disarray. I also have to sleep straight...don't ask me but I can't sleep with my body all willy nilly...lol.

  8. I am a total bed maker. My son makes his too. It is just what I do. I love getting in a bed where everything is straight and in order. I can't stand having things in disarray. I also have to sleep straight...don't ask me but I can't sleep with my body all willy nilly...lol.

    1. I love that you sleep straight too. I am all over the place. Agent Daddy says I am an "enthusiastic Sleeper".

  9. I'm a definite bed-maker, except my boys bunk beds. I make them crawl their tiny butts up there and do it themselves.

    1. That's right Nichole make 'em get up there. There is nothing worse than a grown person trying to make the top bunk.

  10. We don't make the bed unless someone's coming over. Sometimes not even then lol!

    1. Good for you Loreina! Lets throw off the Shackles of bed Making! at least until we change the sheets.

  11. Too funny! I remember being fussed at to make my bed growing up. Funny, I haven't started making a big deal of it just yet, but my daughter sometimes does it automatically. She may be type a personality - she definitely doesn't get that from me. LOL

    1. I LOVE that she does it on her own. If you are going to have your child rebel against your ways making the bed is a GREAT rebellion!

  12. I am with you...do overs are always a possibility...I make the bed 30 seconds before I get back in!

  13. LOL! Why make it when you're going to be right back in it in a while right? I do have to do it before my husband gets home though. Otherwise, he'll think I sat on my ass all day! lol!

    1. Agent Daddy wouldn't DARE suggest that I had done nothing all day. Cause then I would tell him what all I did...LOUDLY!

  14. LOL
    I dont make my bed.
    I just shake the sheets every night before i go to bed.
    I stopped making my bed when the kids were little. They would play and jump on my bad so it did not good to make them up nice and neat.
    please feel free to stop by my blog!

    1. Good for you Stacy! Why do we force ourselves to do tasks that are undone in minutes?

  15. Hilarious. We are bed makers around here. My husband was before he met me and so was I. My three year olds have been making theirs (with help) for a year. I'm kind of like that. My poor kids ;)

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  16. I've been trained since childhood to make my bed as soon as I wake up. Poor me. Haha!

  17. I'm like many others---making bed is only for when company is coming over LOL


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