I started to blog because no one at home was listening to me. I had begun to wonder if I was really a ghost who didn't know she was dead. Then I realized ghosts don't make dinner and do laundry. They were all just ignoring me.

I sat down at my lonely computer and began to write. I wrote about my kids ignoring me, I wrote about the time I was arrested, the night at spent at Folsom Prison, and the time my kids set a table on fire at a wedding reception. People actually started commenting on my stories. I was amazed that someone out there was listening. And I was Hooked. I was so happy that anyone was listening I started telling about EVERYTHING my kids were doing. It became clear that people like to me. I was okay with that because someone was LISTENING!

And now WONDER of all WONDERS...I have won top 10 Mommy Bloggers of 2013. I came in NUMBER 5! Can you believe it? Not only were people listening but they LIKE me. Who knew? Now you can check out all of the fantastic winners here.

I have to say that blogging has introduced me to so amazing people...and some not so wonderful people. But most of all it has made me friends like you! Thank you everyone who voted for me!


  1. If you quit making dinner and doing laundry they wouldn't ignore you. It would probably get pretty ugly, but they wouldn't be ignoring you. :)

    Congrats on your award!

    1. Rosey, You are so RIGHT! I am going on strike...well at least until the kids get home. LOL

  2. Aw...*sniff* you're so...poetic. And of course you were in the top five! (You should have been #4 at least, but we won't talk about that)And you made the bestest blogging friend of all. ME!!!!!

  3. That makes it all worth while. Man if I had known I would meet you I would have asked everyone to start ignoring me sooner.


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