Its the Alien Overlords

I sometimes wonder what the shows we watch say about us. Lets look at what Agent Daddy watches. Anything with Big Foot in the title, Destination Truth, Ghost Hunters, Dead Files, River Monsters, Ancient  Aliens, anything with UFO's or Aliens in the title, Walking Dead, Talking Dead, the list goes on but you get the picture.

Now I have said many times that Agent Daddy is an AWESOME Husband father etc but I have to wonder why it is that when someone forgets to flush the toilet the kids now claim that they were abducted by Aliens mid stream and therefor it is not their fault that the toilet was unflushed.

Dog poop in the back Yard? Well they would have picked it up but there was a Big Foot in the Back Yard and they were just waiting for him to go away before they picked up the yard.

They don't want to go to the beach? Well that is because of the River Monsters that will eat them if they go swimming.

Clothes left on the floor? We have a ghost. The ghost has a clothes fetish and is constantly pulling all the clothes out of the hamper and dropping them on the floor.

Missing shoes? The Ghost must have hidden them.

TV left on all night. No Mom the Ghost turned it on in the middle of the night.

I have decided to wire the house for picture and sound so that I can catch the "ghosts and aliens " in the act. I hear that the National Enquirer will pay god money for pictures of Aliens. If not them then the Weekly World News. I have to decide what I am going to do with all the riches I will receive for my pictures. First thought  I need to wire the back yard so I can catch Big Foot hanging out on the kids swing set.


  1. Your kids have an creative excuse. I don't like watching a lot of television myself but when I do I like watching Baby Story, Home Improvement Shows, House Flipping, and anything else on TLC.

    1. I record a lot but rarely end up watching it. I think my kids have fantastic imaginations. They do tend to use it against me sometimes.

    2. At least it gives you something to laugh about later. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Too funny.

    And I am very familiar with the shoe ghost. The sock ghost as well!!

  3. That sounds familiar! Apparently, I have 2 other kids in the house: "Not Me" and "I Don't Know". I've not been able to find them yet...

    1. April, Not me and I don't know visited our house too. I wrote about them last year.

  4. Oh yes I don't know is the 3rd child I never gave birth too

    1. Seriouly I want to charge them rent to cover all the damage they do.

  5. LOL! Now those are creative kids. When I was younger, the thought of seeing any "monster thing" freaked me out

    1. Yes they are creative...I used to think that was a good thing now I am not so sure.

  6. At least your kids have good imaginations!! Make sure you let Agent Daddy know where they get it from!!!!

    1. Yes I know who to speak to about this latest adventure.

  7. Oh, that guy's hair cracked me up!;) For some reason, I can watch Chopped over and over.


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