The Return of Tahoe The Time Share Dog

Well my time share dog is here for the summer. I have to say I love this sweet golden Lab. He is the most relaxed mellow dog in the universe...until you get him on the freeway. You take the dog on the freeway at your own risk. Once the car reaches 55 mph he begins to whine. He will whine non stop until you drug him or he passes out from the strain. Hence why I have him  for the summer. My newly retired Aunt and Uncle are traveling the United States in my uncles truck camper. I like to refer to it as The Mother Ship.

They plan to visit family and friends across the United States and return in the fall for the dog. If they do not kill each other. Have  you seen the "Long Long Trailer"? It is Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. They buy a trailer to "see the world" and havoc ensues. Well this makes the Long Long trailer look like the Trump Towers. It has a kitchen, refrigerator, toilet and bed...but it is TINY. I wold venture to say that there is room in that thing for one of Snow Whites Dwarfs but not two. And certainly not two tall people, which my Aunt and Uncle are. I have been trying to encourage my Aunt to do a video Blog of their "adventures". Something along the lines of the "Blair Witch Project" meets Star Treks Captains Log.

I have a clear visual of it now. My Aunt looking int the camera of her Apple  lap top with a flash light under her chin describing the horrors....I mean adventures of her day.

Day One: The Adventure Begins. Opening scene is my Uncle trying to wrestle the tranquilizers down the dogs throat to get him to stop whining. they have been on the road 15 minutes. They have 5 hours and 10 minutes to go.

Next scene: My Aunt trying to carry said dog, now drugged out of the camper so he can go potty. Said dog is now 95 lbs of dead weight. 4 hours left to go.

Scene 3 The GPS: My Aunts face again. "the GPS has now sent us in circles for two hours we are calling for help. Time left: 2 Hours....Time in 5 hours.

Final Scene: The Arrival. My uncle pulls the Mother Ship into my driveway, the Dog my aunt and my Uncle all get out and kiss the concrete. I suggest google maps for the remainder of the trip. The Dog is staying with me. No one wants him on this trip. Including him.


  1. Ah--poor baby--glad they are not causing him any more fear then necessary and I am sure he will give you all the gratefulness in his wiggly big body he can!!

    1. I am so glad he is here. I love this pooch so much . I often pray for my Aunti and Uncle to go on vacay so I can have him. LOL

  2. Some dogs just aren't meant to be travel companions. I had a dog like that, but he would get so worked up that he would make himself sick. We didn't take him anywhere unless there wasn't any other way around it. He was a great dog/family companion though! :) I'm sure you will enjoy this guy's company over the next couple of months and be sad to see him leave!

    1. We al suffer from withdrawals when ever he leaves. But the pain is worth it. We have so much fun with him and he is such a great hiking companion

  3. lol, sounds like your aunt and uncle are quite the characters! I hope they have a fantastic journey, and I can totally see why you're dog sitting! Luckily, my Dog rides pretty well. She's very chill and looks straight ahead like she's really navigating lol!

  4. LOL...I loved Desi and Lucy in their trailer and this sounds even better! The drugging of the dog! Ha ha!

    1. Just wait my marvelous Aunt is going to share antics from the road. Said dog refuses to ste out front as long as the Mother ship is in my driveway.

  5. Awww... sometimes the dogs just don't like unfamiliar things. My dog is like my son though. She loves going anywhere no matter what! Hope they have a lovely time!

    1. Thanks Lexie. I am sure they will. So exciting to be retired , have your kids all grown and get to just take your time and enjoy. And Tahoe is having a love fest with my kids. He is not at all sad to be left behind.


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