There Are Some Things I think You Should Know

To my two Sons who are rapidly becoming Men....there are somethings I think You should Know.

1) Flushing and washing your hands is MANDATORY.

2) People Will Like you more if you smell nice.

3) People will like you more if you are EVERYONE. ( That includes your brother.)

4) I know she is pretty on the outside but being pretty on the inside is WAY more important.

5) When you do something because it is the right thing to do, it will often times be the hardest thing to do. Do it anyway.

6) Don't be in a hurry. Everything worth having lasts a long time.

7) You were the best and hardest job I ever had. I will miss you when you move on to your own life.   Please call me, text me, email me. I will accept all forms of communication happily.

8) I am not just your mom I am your life coach.

9) Never be afraid to say I love you or I am sorry. Every time you say those words you become a better person.

10) Please don't make me a grandma before I am 60.


  1. Perfect! (Even if it made me cry)

  2. Printing this and taping it on the wall for the boys.

  3. So true lol! Love the grandma part!

    1. Thank you Christy! That part frightens me the most.

  4. Hehe! I love number 10! Even though I'll take 50. Because when I am 50, my son will be 28... Hmmm... ok, I can wait until I am 55 ;)

  5. Great life list! Thanks for the reminder of the really important things!


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