I Have a Dream

The boys are getting to the stage that they pretty much take care of themselves. Oh I still am needed for cooking and cleaning and washing of the clothes. But I am no longer needed to give baths, change diapers or trips to the park to see the ducks.

So as I move into this new phase of my life I have decided to create a world for myself that is wonderful. The "I have a Dream" world.

In my "I have a Dream" world Legos become gold ingots, and I spend them to buy beautiful handbags by Channel and Hermes. I have about a million Legos. Now abandoned, but since they turned to gold so very useful.

Dirty Socks are now cleaning fairy's. I need a host of them to keep my house sparkling clean. When I see them on the floor they are just resting before they clean yet another mess left behind. The Cleaning fairy's also make beds and do grocery shopping. It is not so bad
having a dozen or so of them lying around to help when ever I need.

In "I have a Dream" world I dress in Chanel, with a Michael Khors bag and Prada shoes. and wear the finest jewelry. My hair , done by my live in hair dresser stylist, is always perfect. I travel to London and Paris on a whim and never worry about who is driving car pool. Dinner is made by celebrity chefs while I drink a Stoli and Cran  to unwind from my stressful day shopping.

Yes "I have a Dream" world is wonderful. The sun always shining, the money always flowing, and the children never fighting. I am so happy here in "I have a Dream" world I think I shall never wake up.
