Words Mean Something

It sounds really simplistic but people forget what the actual meaning of certain words are because they are misused so often. Lets take the word TOLERANCE for example. We are told that we should be tolerant. We will be a better society if we are tolerant. What we should be saying is compassionate.
We should all be COMPASSIONATE.

Right now you are shaking your head at me and thinking "No we should be tolerant." The truth is that we should NOT be tolerant we should be compassionate. Some things should not EVER be tolerated. But compassion works always. Let me give you an example. I am not now, nor will I ever be tolerant of my boys peeing on the toilet seat. I am compassionate and do not cut off their winkies causing them to sit forever. I am not now, nor will I ever be tolerant of men who hit women, people who abuse children or animals, and rapists. I am compassionate towards victims of all of the above and will have compassion on the perpetrators by not flaying them to within an inch of their sorry lives.

I am not tolerant of those who wish to kill me...for whatever reason. I have compassion and do not seek to kill them first. If I listen to your beliefs and do not agree with you then I am compassionate about your right to be wrong. It doesn't mean that I think killing humans that are inconvenient or that having no class should be tolerated. I just don't think we cannot be friends because we disagree.

There are other words in our language that have been co opted to mean something different than their original meaning too. Gay is one on the top of my hit list. I want to be gay. Well gay as in Happy. I think being gay is fun and wonderful. And I could never understand when someone sneered and said "That is so gay." That is so happy doesn't make sense to me. At least not as a put down. And being homosexual is something that I am compassionate about. You can kiss girls or boys or what ever. I am really not all that interested in your sex life.  But I want to be gay too. And I want to like kissing boys at the same time. So next time you say something, really think about what exactly your are saying.

Rant over you may now return to our previously scheduled programing.
