Moving from Mommy to Mom

Kyle Richards of RHOBH at Pamper Me Fabulous
I didn't even really notice it was happening. I was going along in my sweat pants and t-shirts, talking about my little ones and basically loving life.  Then one day I realized my oldest, the Tech Monkey, was taller than his dad and my youngest, Airborne,  was almost as tall as me. I began to wonder when this happened and then my oldest reminded me that the would be driving next year.

After I recovered from my heart attack and the fear that over came me, I started thinking back to the past few years and realized they didn't call me mommy anymore. I missed the fact that they were no longer little. Now they really were young men. And because of this there really is no excuse to  wear sweat pants and t-shirts all day. I realized that it was WAY past time for me to step up my game and get my fabulous back.

I am going to begin sharing the trials and tribulations of learning to wear real clothes and make up again. I will also share all of the great new finds that I come across for making me feel and look fabulous again. I recently attended a Pamper Me Fabulous convention in Huntington Beach California. Kyle Richards of the real Housewives of Beverly Hills was there and I asked her what she does to feel fabulous. Her response? "I have always struggled with weight and I find that if I go to the gym right after dropping off my kids that I feel better all day and that helps me feel and look better." Who knew that she struggled with weight issues. It is so easy to believe that we are the only ones struggling but here this beautiful petite woman fessed up to having the same issues as the rest of us and she does something that we all can do. Exercise.

I was inspired to get up just a little earlier each morning and go for a 3 mile walk. Guess what my girlfriend Ann happily joined me. So now I am further along my path to fabulousity. What about you? What do you do to feel fabulous?
